Today is a good day for good thoughts. If thought contains creative energy, how useful it is to send a good thought out into space.
Once humanity agrees to send forth good thoughts simultaneously, the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will clear up right away. (...)

Agni Yoga - Heart, 300

The Conference changes date

Because of the current situation in the world, we are forced to move the event to another date.

The conference will now take place on 1st – 4th October 2020

The theme, content and organization of the event will remain the same.




As the preparation and waiting times for the event are extended, the window for registration has also been extended, giving new opportunities to those who were undecided or unable to make the date.

To learn more see the Event page



The accommodation within the Community of Living Ethics for the Agni Yoga Conference is now full. It is still possible to stay in accommodation facilities in the area, with which our Organization has entered into specific arrangements to support the Conference.

Click here to view the
information pdf.


Covid-19 through the lens of Agni

The time that separates us from the moment when we will finally be together in the Hall of Culture to talk about the future and Cosmos, has unfortunately lengthened. But that doesn't stop us from staying in touch with each other. Nor does it prevent us from drawing on Agni Yoga as a light source that can illuminate this moment of darkness.

We are experiencing a great global crisis, in the sense that it no longer affects only one area of the Earth, but involves all continents and nations, and all the individuals who live there. In some places the health emergency is stronger, in others it is only just beginning, in others it is not yet manifest, but only foretold. In any case, we are in a state of emergency that crosses the entire planet like a wave, raising waves of fear and causing states of objective difficulty.

Like other Teachings, Agni Yoga contains many forecasts of what is now happening; we could also use the word "prophecies", since it was written in the early 1900s. But the attitude of Agni Yoga is, more than prophetic, "rational and materialistic", in the sense that it repeatedly advocates a marked adherence to reality, both visible and perceptible through psychic sense organs, realities considered both true and demonstrable.

Above all, a sufficiently expanded vision may include the recognition of the causes of each phenomenon through its effects, which were already implied in the causes themselves. (...)

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A Call to Living Ethics as Shared Values in a Culture of Peace

Humanity faces so many challenges on the planet at this time. As we open our hearts to the necessity of meeting unmet needs, we strive to understand how to move through these times wisely, lovingly, effectively. Agni Yoga as the Yoga of Synthesis is also known by many other names; the Yoga of Fire, the Yoga of Thought and the Yoga of the Heart. It is also the Yoga of Living Ethics and hence is the yoga of our shared eternal values lived into experience.

When I was first introduced to Agni Yoga in the 1970s, two things stood out immediately. The first was a stirring in my heart as this Yoga of Fire and focus on living through the Heart called me to a deeper understanding and experience of Life itself. Upon first reading a paragraph from Agni Yoga, it was as though a match lit the spiritual kindling in my heart. The second was the Banner of Peace [picture] with the circle of one humanity and the three dots representing art, science and religion. I resonated deeply with this ancient symbol knowing that when humanity learns to acknowledge and appreciate one another’s art, science and religion we will live in a culture of peace. (...)

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One Hundred Years of Agni Yoga - The diffusion

When the Roerich couple were still active, some followers started to spread their work, in particular in North and South America. Among the first people I wish to remember are Sina Fosdick, Katherine Campbell and Frances Grant. At the same time, in Latvia the poet Richard Rudzitis established the Latvian Roerich Society, followed by the Roerich Societies in the other Baltic States. On the 10th October 1937 the Roerich Museum was opened in Riga which housed Roerich’s paintings. On that occasion Roberto Assagioli, the founder of Psychosynthesis, sent a letter from Italy to support the art and the overall work of the Roerichs and he received warm thanks from Nikolaj. Later, after their parents’ death, Yurij and Svetoslav continued spreading their work. Yurij succeeded in returning to Russia at the beginning of the sixties, after the opening of the country promoted by Nikita Krusciov. Nikolaj and Elena could not attain this goal.

Thanks to these first initiatives, their artistic and literary work started to spread increasingly in many countries. The Corona Mundi group in Geneva promoted the translation of the books of Agni Yoga in a number of languages. Also among them, the exemplary translation into Italian by Enzio Savoini.

Today, there are many Roerich societies with many different names worldwide. But there is not an organization creating a living network of connections among them. On the contrary, until a few years ago a relevant conflict occurred among some societies with their seats in Russia and USA.

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Agni Yoga International Conference
October 1 - 4, 2020 - Community of Living Ethics

Join us:


Link al sito della Comunità di Etica Vivente Link al sito della Società italiana di Agni Yoga Link alla pagina ufficiale del Convegno Mauro Ventola Dorothy J Maver Marina Bernardi Alexej A. Bondarenko Mintze van der Velde Centro Studi Parvati Isabelle Kung Julia Ju Budnikova Alena Adamkova Carlos Rosado Hartmut Muller e Leili Khosravi Anton Malyguine Tania Goncalves de Araujo Estela Tustanovsky Joleen Dubois Wendy J Thompson Egor Turley Mikhail Chiriatev Willy Augustat Marco Vukovic Manju Kak SIAY - Gruppo Ricerca Marco Guzzi