(...) when humanity will understand that the whole cosmos breathes by the one impulse it will be possible to bring nearer the new energy. Thus are the new steps of evolution laid.
Agni Yoga - Infinity II, 218 |
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The workshops
of the conference
The preparation of experiential workshops is underway, which will be open to all participants in the Conference on Friday and Saturday afternoons. This group work, through essential and meaningful stimuli, will allow intense experiences in consciousness.
The workshops will be presented both in Italian and English, so that participants can follow them without the need for simultaneous translation.
Among the conductors we include: Alena Adamkova, Franco Anesi, Francesca Barbagli, Fiorenza Bortolotti, Leili Khosravi, Mariagrazia Sassi e Luciano Vagni.
The early bird rate for the conference is open until 27th February 2020 so book now to take advantage of this special rate.
To learn more see the Event page
It is still possible to book the accommodation at some of the farmhouses of the Community of Living Ethics. You can do this at the same time as registration for the Conference.
To learn more see the Event page
What is going to happen?
What is going to happen? What awaits us in the future? What are we going to know and recognize? Here are some questions that already sound in the space of our consciousness and that will resonate in the space of deepening and sharing of our next Agni Yoga Conference in May.
One of the central aspects of the Agni Yoga Teaching is the path of consciousness traced to distant worlds and the Infinite. A way that can be walked by every human being who is sincerely attracted to it and who wants to feel like an authentic collaborator of universal evolution and not a spectator unaware of the laws that govern it.
Here then we have a first recognition, a first step in the journey: the recognition of the subtle world, of the invisible world, the world which in Agni Yoga is called the Supermundane World. (...)
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Living Ethics and Christianity
The participation of Marco Guzzi - philosopher and poet, professor of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Salesian Pontifical University and member of the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuous at the Pantheon. - will represent a very important moment of encounter between a Christian thinker and the teaching of Agni Yoga, creating a further opening towards the culture of cosmic consciousness, an opening of consciousness to which humanity is destined.
Marco Guzzi is well known to the Italian public for his intense activity as radio host, lecturer and writer and in particular, for his commitment to promoting an ethical life through his thought and active testimony. Guzzi will present to the Conference his vision of new ethics, in which humanity will come to embrace the Cosmos.
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One Hundred Years of Agni Yoga - historical notes
The transmission of the books of Agni Yoga lasted from 1920 to 1938. Helena Roerich had developed the higher authority of clairaudience, in particular after she moved to India and during the “fiery” experience of the terrible Tibetan winter. Therefore, we can believe that the books were dictated directly by the Mahatma Morya. There are seventeen books of Agni Yoga. They have already been translated into many languages, through the great commitment undertaken in particular by Corona Mundi, an organization that has been in existence several years in Geneva, Switzerland. The books are published in Italian by the Editrice Nuova Era. (...)
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Why a teaching in our life?
Marina Bernardi |
More than thirty years ago, a friend gave me that little book called "The Call - Leaves of Morya’s Garden" from the Agni Yoga collection, which I reflect on now as one of the many books on spiritual research themes that I, back then, read with passion. But when I opened it I quickly realized that that book was different from all the others: written in the form of short paragraphs on various themes, but almost all characterized by an exhortation and stimulating note, an often poetic language, with the words addressed not to an anonymous reader, but expressed mostly in the second person, so it seemed that someone intended to speak to me...
And it did it with power and through clear words, with love and beauty. (...)
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Wendy J Thompson
Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Educator, Leader, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute. Wendy strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.
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Egor Turley
Responsible, at the Scientific Council of the National (Russian) Roerich Committee (NRC), for the promotion of scientific and cultural projects and initiatives based on the fundamental principles of the Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments (Roerich Pact), both in Russia and the world.
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Marco Guzzi
Poet and philosopher, he founded the inner liberation groups «Darsi pace». He conducted some of the main dialogue programs with the public of Radio-Rai, such as 3131 and Sognando il giorno. He is invited professor of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Salesian Pontifical University.
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