The Community of Living Ethics is part of GEN Europe since 2015

Why are we part of GEN

As a Community we resonated with the GEN purpose from the very first moment we contacted it. In fact we share with it the active search for consciousness and the developing of right relationships with all Realms in the four dimensions of sustanaibility: economics, ecology, society and culture/spirituality.

GEN Europe Ecovillage Gathering in Estonia, Lillerou - 2018

GEN Ecovillage Gathering in Estonia, Lillerou – 2018

It is now time for all groups and communities actively working to help and heal the world we live in to connect and share experiences

This is why we stepped into this network with deep enthusiasm. As a Community, playing an active role in GEN Ecovillage Network is important. It gives us the chance to deepen our knowledge and share our experiences about themes such as ecology and planet regeneration from broads and diverse perspectives, which include all aspects of live: work, health, as well as the emergent awareness of our connection as humanity. This is about the collective intelligence reservoir we can tap in to heal our planet. 

We always participate to the GEN yearly gatherings as a Community. This happened right from 2015, when a celebration took place for the 20 years since the GEN Europe foundation.

What is GEN Europe?

GEN Europe is a constantly expanding network of intentional communities, ecovillages and national ecovillage networks.  GEN Europe supports through training, education, networking and advocacy the creation and development of new and existing ecovillages.
For more information you can also visit

What is an Ecovillage?

“An ecovillage is a human-scale settlement consciously designed through participatory processes to create regenerative communities and lifestyles. Ecovillages work with the four dimensions of sustainability: social, economic, ecological and cultural.” From the GEN Website