If Activating New Leadership is the Key to Humanity’s Future, what is it that we are unlocking?

Agni Yoga provides many hints, and none greater than in Fiery World II, 48 where it is stated, “Precisely the Leader must discriminate between hypocrisy and sincerity. The manifestation of the virtue of the heart differs greatly from a forced servility. The Leader has the power to discern this quality.”

When we consider the many facets of leadership; that service is a keynote; that the leader has the capacity to bring out the best in others and discern a way through without dictating; and that leadership requires vision, heart, and capacity of mind and spirit, we realize a deep understanding in regards to the key. With this key we are unlocking Leadership of Spirit. Hence the leader will find their strength in Cosmos with a facility to bring Spirit into Action, particularly aligned with the Cosmic Magnet, as the planet herself is ‘led’ by Solar and Cosmic relationships aligned with the Divine Plan.

Further in Fiery World II, 48, it is stated, “…we also know that for the High Communion a pure heart is needed. Nothing impure can partake of this Communion, therefore the symbol of the Leader must be the sign of purity of the heart.”

Leadership carries a connotation that can be perceived as a position. On an athletic field, as chair of a committee, an office holder in business or politics, a teacher, etc. Anyone can be a leader. Leadership is the quality of a pure heart, thus a leader can be found in any position, and can also be found in any person who quietly and even without saying a word holds and demonstrates the quality, strength, magnetism and radiation of a pure heart.

Perhaps it can be summed up this way, in order for the Leader in the New Era to be recognized, respected, and impactful, the key that unlocks the spiritual essence of leadership through the heart is the key to humanity’s future as this key will activate New Leadership of Spirit.

Dot Maver