
2019 | The Planet Within

Convegno internazionale

Comunità di Etica Vivente.org

The Planet Within:
Group Consciousness as the gateway to the new Civilization

an international co-creative gathering for a deeper experience of group consciousness


The Gathering has ended ( May 29 – June 2, 2019 )
We are working towards a new meeting

Thank you for your participation at The Planet Within!

Watch the youtube video!

We hope you can re-tune into the bright reality that we have created and nurtured together.

TPW video

Download the Report Summary here

Here are some moments from our gathering

This gathering is a co-creative space within which every participant will contribute to the anchoring of an expanded group consciousness. We will discover together how Groups can contribute to the realization of the New Civilization

Why this gathering?

On our Planet today, a New Civilization is seeking to be born, yet significant work still lies ahead to bring it into being.
Groups have a powerful responsibility in this endeavour by building greater cooperation and partnership across all dimensions of life.
This gathering is a bold, co-creative, pioneering step towards realizing the potential of the group life and its impact on the evolution of the Cosmos.

The Planet Within is promoted by the Community of Living Ethics, in collaboration with the Association New Era

Together we will:

  • create an expanded understanding of group consciousness
  • participate in a ‘living labfor group life, exploring cooperation and co-creativity as core principles
  • stimulate greater engagement and partnership within group life with all kingdoms and beings
  • as a group, contribute to the manifestation of this brighter future

Each attendee will become part of the light worker group that will continue to consciously align with and anchor the work of the gathering beyond these initial 5 days in Umbria.

Why should you attend?

Over 5 days we will explore every dimension of Life with a precise intention:
live an expanded awareness and experience of group consciousness: ‘the planet within’.
Every person who attends the gathering is both a participant and a contributor and plays a core role in the creation and anchoring of the next step in group consciousness. Your ‘voice’ and your energy will be key at this event.
The impact of our work together will extend beyond the gathering itself as each person anchors the energy from the event back into their own group.

Who should attend?

Groups or individuals committed to developing the highest possible levels of group expression, cooperation, group consciousness and creativity across the Planet.

Participation may be from individuals or multiple members of groups such as:

  • existing communities or intentional spiritual communities and ecovillages
  • conscious commercial and/or socially responsible organizations
  • Informal and formal groups dedicated to helping all of us in humanity to create a new way of living and being.
Group work at the Community of Living Ethics

How will we work?

We intend to connect and enter into the next level of group consciousness that is seeking to be experienced, to bring about the New Civilization.
We will work together through a with combination of:

  • talks & presentations
  • group sharing
  • experiential and co-creative work
  • group meditation

Deep inquiry, expanded understanding and new realisations will all contribute to the exploration of the field of group consciousness as the gateway to the New Civilisation.


We aim at exploring together each aspect of the vast field of group consciousness: be that cosmic, mineral, plant, animal or human, as we weave these aspects together and embody them individually and collectively.

Cosmic Realm

Mineral Realm

Plant Realm

Animal Realm

Human Realm

Key contributors

We are inviting a number of people to be key contributors; people who express and live the reality of group consciousness in their lives. Contributors will be asked to embrace the full scope of the gathering – seeing themselves both as helping to shine the light on an aspect of consciousness that sits within group consciousness and as a co-creators of the group field along with all participants.


Michael Lindfield

Michael Lindfield is a highly regarded international consultant and coach helping individuals and groups unleash the transformative power of the human spirit. He learned his craft from a medley of experiences that include: a 14-year residency [...]


Lorraine Flower

Lorraine is an Organisational and Leadership development consultant and coach working with senior leaders and their teams to raise consciousness about the impacts and potential of leadership and group work for contributing to the greater good. [...]


Marina Bernardi

Marina has chosen ‘the Group as a living entity’ as her main focus of interest and passion in life. She is a psychologist by training with a Psychosyntetic and Psychoenergetic background. This approch allows her to scientifically [...]

The Planet Within Programme

Here you can find the key flow of the 5 days of our co-creative gathering. Being ‘co-creative’,
some of the planned sessions may change as we create our group field of endeavour. However we
intend to work within the themes shown below:

Event  Information

Call for Insights

We are looking for examples, case studies and stories about group consciousness which will be shared on the web page for the event. The articles can be written by an individual or be a group collaboration.

Through these insights and sharings we hope to start to build the tapestry or the ‘field’ that will help all participants to go even deeper into exploring, understanding and living group consciousness.

Please send us your ideas to planetwithin2019@comunitadieticavivente.org


Green and wooded hills with medieval villages, vineyards and olive groves. Ancient ancestors of the Umbrian today – proud but friendly people – were the Etruscans, with their necropolis and stone streets.

This is Umbria. The Community of Living Ethics is right here, nearby the town of Città della Pieve.
The conference will take place at the Hall of Culture, a building belonging to the Community,  designed and built accordingly to the laws of harmonious construction and sacred geometry. Its architectural measures and spatial relationships originate from the application of the golden section and harmonic proportions. The Hall has been thought as a “space container” that unites sky, earth and the evolving human consciousness. These are symbolically represented by the cover divided into twelve parts – as the Zodiac Constellations, by the floor of the building that reflects the sky itself and by ten arches jointed at the top into a suspended dome, the culminating point of the building.

Optional accomodation will be arranged within the Community Centers: they are farmhouses immersed in the green countryside and characterized by a synthesis of beauty and simplicity. Here you will have the occasion to experience the Community life, tuned on the values of brotherhood by sharing morning meditations, breakfasts, lunches and dinners: a simple life but rich in meaning and contacts.

How to Reach th Community of living Ethics

How to reach the Community of living Ethics after your arrival in Italy

By Train (+ taxi for the final part)

The community is most easily reached via train, with the final part of the journey made by taxi. We recommend if possible to download the Trenitalia App as this gives all the train numbers and their times for Italy. Outlined below is the fastest and most simple route.

Getting to the Community from Roma Fiumicino airport:

  1. Roma Fiumicino airport to Roma Termini Train Station
    The journey takes roughly 32 minutes
    Take the Leonardo Express to Termini railway station. The Fiumicino Airport railway station is signposted and just across the road from the arrivals hall. The journey takes roughly 32 minutes and leaves the airport every half-hour, or every 15 minutes during peak hours. It’s non-stop service from the airport to Termini. Tickets cost €14 each way and can be bought directly from a booth at the station. Tickets can also be bought from the machines at this station. Make sure to get your ticket validated by stamping it using one of the small machines located next to the platform before boarding the train.
  2. Roma Termini Train Station to Chiusi Chianciano Terme
    The average time for this journey is 1hr 46 mins.
    From Termini railway station you are able to catch a train to the closest station to the Community, CHIUSI – CHIANCIANO TERME.  The correct train to catch is most commonly signed to Firenze (Regional train) but can also be signed to Muenchen or Trieste (Intercity train). To speed up your journey we advise to ask at the information desk which is the next train that stops at CHIUSI – CHIANCIANO TERME.  Tickets can be bought at the station or purchased at a cheaper rate if booked in advance online through this website https://www.trenitalia.com/en.html
  3. Chiusi Chianciano Terme to the Community
    The average time for this journey 20 minutes
    When arriving at Chiusi you will need to take a taxi to the community. You can choose to travel directly to your assigned accommmodation or to the Hall of Culture for registration (depending on your arrival date and time). The journey from Chiusi – Chianciano Terme station to the Hall of Culture is about 20 minutes by car. There is a taxi rank outside the station with cars available throughout the day and into the night. The cost of this journey is usually around €25/€28.

Generally it is best to allocate around 2.5 hours to get from Roma Fiumicino to Chiusi-Chianciano Terme.

By Car

If you wish to reach the community directly ,without the use of trains there is a possibility to rent a private car/minibus with a driver from Rome Fiumicino airport or from the Firenze airport.

The company we recommend for this is ‘Giorgi Service’, you can find their contact details below:

Giorgi Service
+39 338 1227823
+39 347 8324846

This service must be booked in advance of your arrival in Italy to ensure availability. It includes the return transport for 1 to 7 people and the cost is:

  • €250 from Florence airport to the Community of Living Ethics or any community’s farmhouse where you will be staying
  • €280 from Rome Fiumicino Airport to the Community of Living Ethics or any of the community’s farmhouses

If you book this service you are kindly invited to communicate Giorgi Service that you will be attending The Planet Within gathering.

However you decide to reach us we hope you enjoy the beautiful views Umbria has to offer on your way here, safe travels!

Booking Information


360,00book until 08.05.2019
  • Full Gathering participation
  • Light lunches
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Not included**


660,00book until 08.05.2019
  • Full Gathering participation
  • Light lunches
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Accommodation*
  • Continental breakfast and dinner
  • Arranged transportation**

Payment options
Payment to the New Era Association – co-organizer of the event- are available both via credit card and bank transfer.

Refund policy

  • If you cancel by 15/04/19 you will receive a refund of 80% of the amount paid.
  • We will unable to give you a refund if you cancel your reservation after 15/04/19

Additional information

To get the best out of this Gathering

Extend your stay

after the Gathering

The Gathering has ended. We are working towards a new meeting

We are looking forward to meeting you again

Please  keep in contact.Write to

Payment options
Online payment via credit card and bank account is now closed and it was processed via the New Era Association website,  co-organizer of the event.

Refund policy

  • If you cancel by 15/04/19 you will receive a refund of 80% of the amount paid.
  • We will unable to give you a refund if you cancel your reservation after 15/04/19

© 2018 Comunità di Etica Vivente  – Località Pian di Mattone n. 14, Città della Pieve -(PG) CF 9400554054 – privacy & cookies policy

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