‘The significance of the word Heart is the significance of life itself as it beats eternally at the very heart of the universe.’
The Tibetan Master
Like so many who find themselves in service groups, we in the UK Star group believe we have travelled together over many lifetimes.
Our collective journey in this lifetime began when we started studying the Ageless Wisdom together in 1998. We have travelled together as members of other groups including Sundial House, the Wrekin Forum and the World Service Intergroup (WSI). We also collaborated in many configurations (along with other co-workers) to establish local Full Moon gatherings and offer workshops.
Our awareness of the star model (find out what a star model at the bottom of this article) was activated when one of our group members became more deeply affiliated with the Community of Living Ethics in Umbria subsequently becoming a member. In November 2016 we established the first UK Star with the loving support of the Community.
The star model brings the power of group work to a new level of intensity and challenge. It serves as a framework for impersonal service utilising the expression of a function (harnessing and focalising energies within the group work) through the qualities of one of the seven Rays.
Our journey as a star group has been profound, opening us to a new level of understanding of the power of group work and group consciousness. Our rhythm has been a combination of quick and slow. In one sense, we were able to access the group soul pretty quickly because of the established relationships and found that to be a powerful and deeply inspiring experience. Realising the potential that exists and yet, in the early stages, being unclear how to utilise that to greatest effect.
Exploring each of the axes and functions of the Star Model has taken more time, as we have sought to understand the function we represent from a soul perspective and to learn how to move beyond our personality expression. In different ways, each of us had, and continue to navigate, personal challenges and opportunities presented by the soul as we seek to perform each function. Some of the questions we have been exploring are very deeply associated with what it means to function as a group consciousness and the responsibilities that come with that.
This exploration of group consciousness becomes very real when one member of the group is experiencing a particular challenge and we all as a whole support the function they are holding and performing. Or when one of the functions is going through a change of function holder and the whole group, or one or two members of the group have worked to hold and stabilise that function until the new function holder is firmly in place. Confronting and working with our personality resistance especially when we are assuming responsibility for a function that doesn’t feel so naturally aligned within our own Ray make up.
We experimented with the ‘external’ purpose and focus to our star work, taking it steadily and slowly, building our capacity to collectively direct the energies made available to us, locally within our own immediate circles and within our own service work.
As we entered our third year together in 2019 having somewhat stabilised our group centre, we felt called to expand our focus and purpose to work more directly in alignment with an aspect of the Plan on a larger scale and directly in service to the Planetary Centre of London, focusing on the New Civilisation and New Culture. Our invocation is directly linked to the emergence of a fair and just global socio-economic model – seeking to redress imbalance and injustice.
In these last 3 years we perceive this work to have taken on ever greater energetic power. During the global challenges and crises, we have noticed the vital importance of the power line 1-4-7 as we have collectively held our centre point in the face of the energies coursing through Humanity (the 4th Ray) at this time. We are experiencing a concentration in the group field and energies as we receive impressions that invite us to move ever forward into the fiery heart of the group as Planetary servers.
And this is where our journey currently sits. Continual experimentation, building our understanding of group consciousness, and joyfully committing ourselves to the practise of group service in unity.
UK Star
27th March 2023
The Star Model is based on a system of 7 energies or qualities called Rays. Each of these has its own dimensions, qualities and function and together they create a powerful system of wholeness and unity.Applied in a group context this model facilitates the expression of these functions and qualities in support of the group’s goal. The model is applied, ideally in an impersonal way where each group member performs their function according to the defined qualities of the Ray. For example, the First Ray invites the function of defining and holding the tension toward the group’s purpose whilst the Second fills the group work with the qualities of love. Clearly this model has many layers and complexities and will be outlined more in future articles.