The star-seed landed gently in the consciousness of the current holder of the 1st Ray vertex in 2017.

However, it didn’t germinate and grow until 2019 at The Planet Within Gathering at the Community of Living Ethics, in Italy.

Thanks to an experiential workshop and the fostering of the Group Focalization training, a commitment was made to begin a star in Canada that Autumn, within the Society for the Enhancement of Quality of Life (SEQL). Following a meditative process, self-selected members of the SEQL community became the vertex holders and we embarked on the study of the “Group in Star Formation”.

As the Canadian star, we study and meditate together, in person and subjectively, linking telepathically through the Star Meditation, Star Mantram and The Great Invocation.We are grateful that the majority of our group can gather in person, at each Solstice and Equinox.At each of our gatherings, we begin with a coordinated ritual that consists of a sounding of our vertex affirmations and the simultaneous lighting of 7 colour-coded candles, set on the beautiful table (photo below) specially designed specifically for us, for this purpose.At the end of our gatherings, we close the circle in reverse order.

As co-collaborators, we have experienced the spaciousness of a universal rhythm as we enter meditation, experiment with developing creative imagination, enter group field, seed and share new thought forms, as we expand our awareness and service, as souls. We are observing how the subjective significance of our group work, within the Order of Stars, is individually and collectively impacting our way of being, in so many ways.

Most significantly, we have noticed how our star is becoming more “substantial”. And as we are imbued with the quality of our own star essence, we are sensing how we are progressively becoming its embodied expression. We are recognizing this in our interactions with each other, in gatherings and in how we are engaging with the world. We have also come to understand that the quality of our star essence not only comes from our unique geometry but that it emanates from within the field of the One Star Essence and that we are an expression of the multiple qualities of all the stars, in the lambdoma.

Creative Meditation star Canada

As we all do the star work and express and hold our vertex, the sub-qualities of each of our vertices (as we each are the seven) holds, supports, strengthens and balances each vertex in all the qualities of the ONE STAR ESSENCE. Thus, our expression as each vertex happens within the WHOLE and not as an isolated act.

We sense that one of the current functions of our Star is to strengthen and amplify the vibrant, energetic focal point of our own community, the Society for the Enhancement of Quality of Life (SEQL), as it experiences changes and undergoes transitions.

The nature of our greater service also continues to expand and to evolve, day by day. As we meditate, experiment and contemplate together, our Star purpose and “beingness is becoming clearer: we are a fractal within a larger Order of Stars, and in this awareness, we can better imagine ourselves to be a functioning outpost of the Hierarchy. These concepts are now becoming a reality in our daily practices. We are beginning to know ourselves as an evolving entity in service of our Spiritual Elders, the Divine Plan and Humanity.

As we move forward, we seek to become a stronger and more refined living demonstration of the All-inclusive Star Consciousness, as it manifests through us.

Canadian (SEQL) Star
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada