Psicospiritual training
The course on Group Focalization encapsulates the essential tools for becoming a Group Focalizer.
Creative Meditation – a brief history
In the 1950’s Roberto Assagioli, widely known for his work in developing Psychosynthesis, responded to another major spiritual call – the creation of a global creative meditation training designed to support the ‘Western’ mind [...]
Landing the star-seed in Canada
The star-seed landed gently in the consciousness of the current holder of the 1st Ray vertex in 2017. However, it didn’t germinate and grow until 2019 at The Planet Within Gathering at the Community of [...]
The Radiant Heart – Portal to a Solar Civilization
The Promise of Life is like a divine seed gracefully revealing its inner beauty as it unfolds in time, space and substance: season by season, cycle after cycle and era by era. With the passing [...]
Leadership Mandala – Final Mandala
Leadership Mandala - Final Mandala Please email us at the email below with [...]
Leadership Mandala Day 3 contributions
Leadership Mandala Day 3 - Contributions Please email us at the email below [...]
Leadership Mandala Day 2 contributions
Leadership Mandala Day 2 - Contributions Please email us at the email below [...]
Leadership Mandala Day 1 contributions
Leadership Mandala Day 1 - Contributions Please email us at the email below [...]
Dot Maver – Leadership of Spirit
Dot Maver - Leadership of Spirit in the New Era Please email us [...]
Lorraine Flower – Gathering the Seeds
Lorraine Flower - Gathering the Seeds Please email us at the email below [...]
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Mariuccia Sofia – A new synthesis of opposing forces
Mariuccia Sofia - A new synthesis of opposing forces Please email [...]
Building the Mandala of Leadership Day 1 – Group Contributions
Building the Mandala of Leadership Day 1 - Group Contributions Please add your [...]
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Banner of Peace and Roerich Pact: 90th Anniversar- 2025 April 12-28
Banner of Peace and Roerich Pact: 90th Anniversary A journey into the heart of the Himalayan region in India, dedicated to all peacemakers and admirers of Nicholas Roerich’s work. Dates: April 12–28, 2025 [...]
2025: on the Threshold, United toward a Solar Civilisation
INTERNATIONAL GATHERING | 5th / 8th June 2025 REGISTER Deeply experiential, [...]
“A Great Human Being”: the Ontological Legacy of Giovanni Falcone
In the church of San Domenico in Palermo, next to Giovanni Falcone’s grave, I found a note: [1]“Dear Giovanni, I will write in English, because my Italian is not so good. However, I want [...]
Activating a New Leadership: Nelson Mandela a Living Testimony
The historical moment we are living in urgently requires the emergence of a new leadership, capable of overcoming the old obsolete models, based on personal power, competition and separateness. These paradigms are no longer [...]
Leadership between Groups – A Reflection
On our planet there is an invisible network of groups of men and women of good will who have taken on the task of co-workers with the Spiritual Hierarchy as servers of the World. [...]
Leaders of Influence
“In world events, is it not possible to perceive the manifestation of Fire? Observe the relationships of nations, the magnet of ideas, the dissemination of thoughts, and all the signs of public opinion. These flashes [...]
The Dynamic Equilibrium of Leadership
Leadership is a naturally occurring and necessary function within any conscious organism that imbues and suffuses its ‘sphere of being’ with a sense of meaning and belonging. Leadership ensures that the group’s innate promise will [...]
Crossing our own Internal Threshold toward True Leadership
The three Leadership Labs held between the two international conferences have been very inspiring encounters with a deeper and more intimate inquiry into ‘true’ leadership. In the Leadership Labs participants spoke of how they [...]
New Era Leadership: Embodying and Activating our Feminine Intelligence
One of the most potent thoughtforms New Leadership awakens in us is the sacred and powerful mystery of the feminine principle, an essential value waiting to be enlivened in all of us. To this day, [...]
Unlocking Leadership of Spirit
If Activating New Leadership is the Key to Humanity’s Future, what is it that we are unlocking? Agni Yoga provides many hints, and none greater than in Fiery World II, 48 where it is stated, [...]
Creative Meditation practice – German language Alles ist Beziehung – die Evolution der Liebe | 31 August 2025 – 6 September 2025
Alles ist Beziehung - die Evolution der Liebe Vom Moment unserer Entstehung befinden wir uns in Beziehung. Sie ist Grundlage unserer Existenz, wie die Zellen unseres Körpers – jede individuell verschieden und doch [...]
Wesak Celebration | May 10th – 13th 2025
Wesak Celebration The Light of consciousness opening to the manifestation of the Good The full moon of Taurus, or the Wesak Festival, can be considered the most important spiritual event of the [...]
Building the Inter Group Network of Light
Many spiritual groups within the world server network are going through transition of one sort or another. In some cases working from a strong and relevant purpose that just needs to be ‘refreshed’ to [...]
The Spirit of Regeneration
In the timeless pageant of Life throughout the cyclical procession of the seasons, the Angel of Endings always precedes the Spirit of Regeneration so that the innate qualities of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty may [...]
The group as an evolutionary possibility
Nowadays, from any perspective we look at the path of inner growth, we always meet the group as a space for development and as an instrument for expanding consciousness. Whatever theme we deal with, [...]
Online Conference – Activating New Leadership | November 22nd-24th 2024
A co-creative response to the call for New Leadership Online Conference November 22nd > 24th 2024 [...]
Daring to Become the Un-known? Yes, fine, but…
In our recent past International conference (Activating New Leadership) it was emphasised that more advanced forms of leadership would become possible once we have reached a higher, more unified consciousness. But for this higher state [...]
Being a seed for the New Era
Human beings are, first and foremost, creators. Our drive to create may be driven by the highest and purest impulse of the Soul, or it may be driven by the most selfish and separative [...]
Closer and closer…
Only a few months remain before we reach that fateful date of 2025. We have all spoken and written extensively about its significance over the last number of years and have kept our gaze [...]
The Principle of Goodwill
February 21 – April 20 The Will is a powerful energy, possibly the most powerful energy in the Universe. It is the First Aspect of Divinity, the one that most directly reveals and expresses its [...]
Centre, Focal Point and Focalisation
Focalising is, for the Community of Living Ethics, one of its core values: it is not only its basis for teamwork, but also its "political" structure (i.e. its mode of self-governance). In fact, the [...]
A Star for the Awakening of the Soul of Germany
The Star Work in Support of Nations The Star model, while rooted in the subtle world, is also of practical usefulness in various specific service work. One example is the use of the Star model [...]
An Imaginary Conversation Between 5 + One Outstanding Lightbearers
Humanity: co-creative, living, loving willing soul Five gentlemen who lived at the same epoch on earth, but did not all meet in person (except perhaps through their publications) are imagined to hold a conversation. [...]
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Nurturing the seeds of our research from last year’s conference…
In November 2022, 250 people opened their hearts to enter the field of ‘New Leadership’ sensing that it is a vital topic for our times as world servers and as humanity as a whole. [...]
The idea of Hierarchy is a cosmic law
This statement from the Agni Yoga teachings gives us a glimpse of the scale of the principle of hierarchy. In this short commentary inspired by the Agni Yoga teachings, Joleen DuBois President of the White [...]
Leadership – building the Temple of the New Humanity
When we contemplate the task of building a Temple from a leadership perspective, it may conjure up images of carefully planned labor and directed diligent construction over many years to raise a religious edifice [...]
Activating New Leadership | 17 -19 november 2023
Online Conference 17th/19th NOVEMBER 2023 A three day online international conference to nurture collectively a new expression of Leadership, by exploring its link to Consciousness and [...]
The Adventure of Creative Meditation – a response to longing.
“Lives are changed primarily by reflection, qualities are developed by directed conscious thought, characteristics are unfolded by brooding consideration. To all this I call your attention.” The rigours of everyday living are leading each [...]
The Group: What is it? How does it work? How does it evolve?
What is it? With the word “group” we can understand a number of different things: most likely, the first meaning that emerges is that of something that goes beyond an individual unit to include [...]
Leadership, Consciousness and the Great Chain of Being
In studying the Perennial Philosophy, scholars are invited and encouraged to journey from the universal to the particular. In keeping with this time-honored approach, allow me to frame our exploration of ‘Consciousness and Leadership’ [...]
Description of the Star Work
The fundamental aim is to create a service activity based on the connection between our planet and the universe that contains it, and that uses its energies. The Star work promotes the building of [...]
The group as an evolutionary possibility
Nowadays, from any perspective we look at the path of inner growth, we always meet the group as a space for development and as an instrument for expanding consciousness. Whatever theme we deal with, [...]
The Star Work – a living example
‘The significance of the word Heart is the significance of life itself as it beats eternally at the very heart of the universe.’ The Tibetan Master Like so many who find themselves in service [...]
New Leadership – attuning to the drumbeat of the Universal Heart
The significance of the word Heart is the significance of life itself as it beats eternally at the very heart of the universe.’ Tibetan Master Opening our awareness toward the beating heart of the [...]
International Focaliser School | New edition soon
The power of Groups Any project, goal or objective seems more attainable if a group of people, seeing themselves existing within a larger interdependent system, wholeheartedly commit themselves to accomplish it. Teams and [...]
We are the Path | September 24 – 27, 2023
We are the path Invitation to meet in the name of Those who guide and assist us from the world of Souls. Let us gather to create together a space of love and [...]
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A Brief History of Focalization
Focalization teaches us how to receive energy and how to safely modify and qualify it in order to meet the needs of the moment as a force for good and to then send it [...]
Activating New Leadership, 26-27 november 2022
The Courage to Love, The Power to Serve THE ONLINE EVENT HAS ENDED. The recordings are now available! DONATE [...]
The Time of Maitreya and the Mother of the World
Let's travel again to India! The Time of Maitreya and of the Mother of the World Group journey with seminar at Crookety, visit to Kashmir (Jammu e Srinagar), Darjeeling and its [...]
Comunità di Etica Vivente – The Mandala of Service
Comunità di Etica Vivente PODCAST The Mandala of Service We invite you to take a journey with us and to reflect on your own spirit of Service [...]
From “master father” to team builder
As the individuals and the group collectively recognise and work with their inner power and see the true value they can bring when they work toward unity in diversity, the traditional role of the [...]
The slow path to group leadership
There is ground to believe that it is through the international community that impersonal group leadership may emerge. The current world situation helps consider how the relationship between leadership and group is [...]
Global Silent Minute
21 December 2021 at 9pm GMT is the annual Global Silent Minute. You are invited to participate wherever you are by simply ringing a bell and entering one minute of Silence. Or, participate in [...]
Balancing on the High-Wire of Life
Certainly, everyone reading this Newsletter has long felt in their hearts the call to something new and beautiful – the call to a better world and to a life richer in meaning and quality. We [...]
Walking the Path of Beauty
Listening to National Public Radio in USA, three high school students from Maryland were being interviewed. They have printed a magazine that gives voice to the various opinions of their peers. They believe every voice [...]
The Mansion of the Serving Man
There is a phrase in the spiritual teachings that powerfully yet synthetically describes this period into which we are now entering; this period of the Aquarian age in combination with the inpouring of a [...]
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We are One – dem Weg des Herzens folgen
26 Juni - 02 Juli 2022 _ Sommerkurs, offen für alle Das Herz ist über die lebensspendende organische Funktion hinaus das Zentrum unseres Selbst. Es hat die Aufgabe das Leben der Seele, das [...]
The resilient heart: standing steady in times of turmoil
To be honest, in our heart of hearts we’ve always sensed it would be a race against time – a gnawing knowing that the waves of change set in motion by our polarizing beliefs and [...]
A (personal) history of the Renaissance
June 1970: Fiorenza discovers that she bears the ancient name of Florence, the "flourishing". She discovers it by spending a week there preparing the final exam at Art School. Intense days spent with Maria, her [...]
The role of the server in the Planetary Renaissance
We perceive that profound and unprecedented changes are taking place on our planet Earth related to the end of a great cycle that is called the Age of Pisces and the transition to the Age [...]
Travelling with Humanity: Hero of the Future
"Those who know that the Eternal lives in them and that they, and all things, are really the Eternal, inhabit the grove of miraculous trees, drink the dew of immortality, and hear the silent music [...]
Rising In Love
Watching a red-tailed hawk rise and wheel in silent graceful arcs above Meditation Mount on a warm spring morning had me pondering on what really gives lift to our lives and can raise consciousness to [...]
The beauty and creative power of synthesis
Our world is now and has long been filled with conflicts borne out of opposing views – what we might call polarised views. For example, I think this, you think the opposite. Or perhaps even [...]
The call for a Planetary Renaissance
Renaissance or cultural rebirth is something that history shows us is an intrinsic part of the human journey. Although we often refer to ‘the Renaissance’ as meaning the period in European history spanning the 15th [...]
The Beauty of Space
The Beauty of Space is visible to our eyes every time we admire the vault of the starry sky, the rising sun, the crystal clear water of a mountain stream, the eyes of a loved [...]
Daring to go beyond the known towards the new world
On 12 October 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered a "new world". This date for historians represents a "historical caesura" or hiatus, that is an event of general significance that alters the previous equilibrium. This event marks [...]
The Fires of Renewal
he Fire forced us to stop, listen deeply to the land and to our souls and enter a regenerative period of realigning to purpose and reflecting on those group patterns and behaviors that needed [...]
Planetary Renaissance – Online International Event, 10-12 December 2021
From the past to the future: the endless chain of cooperation
What could be the task for us today? What form could the next link in the golden chain of cooperation have? An image that often recurs in the books of Agni Yoga is that [...]
The Springtime of Agni Yoga
How many new needles will be born this spring? I hope there will be many, as many who will feel drawn to Agni Yoga. Agni Yoga is like a tree, a mighty Himalayan Cedar, [...]
Manifesting the Seeds of the Conference
We all know that the seeds emerging from the Conference have a potent magnetism and one that will strengthen through these projects and the service of the many Agni Yoga groups. In the [...]
Responding to the whisper of the Cosmic Magnet
Stretching ourselves is our duty and our joy in equal measure – the Cosmic Magnet offers us the resources to reveal our true inner power. I’m sure like me, for many of those who [...]
Humanity recalibrates its compass to the Cosmic Magnet
The opportunity of the moment for Humanity is to recalibrate its moral (or “living ethics”) compass so that it is inclusive of our greater identity within the Cosmos. The ancients had the wisdom to [...]
SACRED DAYS 2020-2021
WITH THE COMET STAR ON THE PATH OF BROTHERHOOD The theme of the Sacred Days 2021 is intimately connected to the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius [...]
Lucifer, come is the time to re-kindle your Lamp!
You are invited to enter the silence of the heart and ponder the following quotes and retrieve from the collective memory, insights regarding the journey of light into matter and the return of this Light [...]
The “Signs” of the Mother
When it comes to the coming era, the constellation Aquarius sparkles. It is the direction of space from which sunlight increasingly reaches the Earth at the spring equinox (of the Northern Hemisphere), thus impressing its [...]
The ever burning Fire
We asked three of our contributors to share their reflections arising from the conference – we are delighted to share these: Martin Dieser: The Conference touched my heart with its brave and daring spirit, [...]
GEN Europe online Gathering
Being a member of GEN Europe, The Community of Living Ethics wants to spread the news about the 2 days online Gathering that GEN Europe organizes on the 7th and 8th of November, 2020. Here [...]
Weaving a network of Fire
As a summary of this Conference I like to coin the term COSMIC PIONEERS, that weave a NETWORK OF FIRE. That' s how I want to think about all of us in the near [...]
Humanity and the cosmos – International Agni Yoga Conference
Humanity and the Cosmos International online Agni Yoga Conference 1920 / 2020 One Hundred Years of Agni Yoga Teachings 1 / 4 October 2020 join [...]
The Roerich Pact, the path to Infinity
The Roerich Pact was signed on April 15, 1935, by twenty-one nations of the Americas, all the members of the Pan-American Union at the time, in the White House, in the presence of President Franklin [...]
Hall of Culture – a space for the New World
When in 2003 the architects for the Community of Living Ethics began the design of the great construction for the Convention Center, every time they showed the sketches to the founder of the Community, Sergio [...]
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Joleen Du Bois interview
Joleen DuBois is a board member of the Nicholas Roerich Museum and the International Agni Yoga Society headquartered in New York City. She founded the White Mountain Education Association (WMEA) forty years ago [...]
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The Great Laws of the Buddha in the Teaching Of Agni Yoga
“Verily, a feather falling from the wing of a small bird produces a thunderclap in the far-off world” (Comunità, §43) We are still experiencing the effects of the pandemic, which is generally considered a [...]
The Era of the Mother of the World restores the bird of the spirit of Humanity to flight
The time has come for Humanity to recalibrate its understanding of the two Origins; its appreciation of the indivisibility of realms unseen and seen. When Vivekananda wanted to affirm the significance of the Feminine [...]
Living on the boundary: the destiny of the Server
A few days ago, while I was in a moment of conscious exchange with the sun, opening myself to let myself be penetrated by its light and the qualities that this brings with it, suddenly [...]
Principle of Unanimity
June 21 – August 20 What is Unanimity? • It is the expression of the essential unity that underlies the whole of creation • Unanimity is not uniformity: it is unity in diversity and diversity [...]
Isabelle Küng Interview
Isabelle Küng tells us how she got to know Agni Yoga thanks to the wise guide of Roberto Assagioli, of which she was a student for over ten years, starting from 1964. [...]
On the threshold of the next 100 years of Agni Yoga
Please join us To make the best use of the days that had been set for the Conference (now postponed to 1st – 4th October 2020), we have prepared an inner work based on Living [...]
Heart: engine of Renewal
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash Let's add a very important piece for the journey that we are making together and that is motivated by the commitment we made to ourselves…"I will not be as before". Feeling [...]
The Law of Group Endeavour
April 21 – June 20 Individual and group activities So far, mankind has progressed with transforming itself and the world through individuals who, either acting alone or guided by enlightened ones, intuitively grasped or expressed [...]
Some thoughts on the challenge of the moment, the coronavirus
In the face of this micro-organism, there are no frontiers, no social and economic differences, nor differences in the state of consciousness. I believe that this is a really new aspect, perhaps never experienced before [...]
A Call to Living Ethics as Shared Values in a Culture of Peace
The radiance of the heart can bring together the most seemingly varied organisms, even across remote distances Humanity faces so many challenges on the planet at this time. As we open our hearts to [...]
One Hundred Years of Agni Yoga (3)
Today, there are many Roerich societies with many different names worldwide; creating a unity among these is a great goal, its attainment can enact the fusion of different qualities, inherent in different cultures. When [...]
Coronavirus seen through Agni Yoga
One should protect oneself in consciousness and create an invulnerable armour of nerve emanations. Even severe epidemics cannot develop if people master their consciousnesses. The time that separates us from the moment when we [...]
A new date for our Agni Yoga Conference
We use the "Adverse Tactica" technique which consists of taking an attitude of determination to derive the greatest possible benefit from that obstacle, and not only to repair or reduce any damage. In recent [...]
Time for silence: Forging the server within us
"Service is the spontaneous effect of contact with the soul. This contact is so precise and stable that the life of the soul can flow into the instrument that it is forced to use on [...]
Interview with Giuseppe Campanella
Giuseppe Campanella, President of the Italian Society of Agni Yoga and head of the Scientific Committee of the conference to be held in May 2020, explains where the decision to make an international [...]
Interview with Marina Bernardi
Marina Bernardi President of the Community of Living Ethics outlines the importance and potency of the forthcoming Humanity and the Cosmos Conference – an international Agni Yoga gathering. Learn more about [...]
Why a teaching in our life?
I believe that all those who have established a deep relationship with a Teaching can testify that the encounter with it has always taken place as a result of a phase of research, more or [...]
What is going to happen?
(...) How may one approach the above-mentioned Absolute? It cannot be done through technical means or earthly science, nor by descriptive art. (Community – § 20) What is going to happen? What awaits us [...]
Agni Yoga Conference, May 2020 – New memberships and other info
Guzzi's presence at the Conference will represent a very important moment of encounter between a Christian thinker and the teaching of Agni Yoga We recently received the agreement to participate by Marco Guzzi, philosopher [...]
One Hundred Years of Agni Yoga (2)
Helena Roerich had developed the higher authority of clairaudience; therefore, we can believe that the books of Agni Yoga were dictated directly by the Mahatma Morya. The transmission of the books of Agni Yoga [...]
The Law of Right Human Relations
21 December – 20 February Why right human relations? We all form one single "human family”. In spite of individualism and self-assertion (a necessary stage of our development) we have come to a point where [...]
The Festival Week of World Servers is approaching
The World Servers Festival Week is approaching: are you involved? From the 21st until the 28th of december all who love humanity and the Earth, from around the world, can join the World Servers festival [...]
Dorothy Maver: my connection to Agni yoga
In this brief interview Dorothy Maver shares her connection with Agni Yoga, as she speaks about her encounter with this teaching, that she defines as “the language of the Heart, the yoga of [...]
Steps to consciousness: from voluntary work to Service
Hearing a global call At this moment in time, a great number of women and men are expressing the urge to connect with a superior level of themselves. They are seeking contact with their inner [...]
Modulo-Mailing-list – SIAY
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21 of December: save the date – Solstice Silent Minute
Dear Brothers and Sisters on the Path, The current world crises requires a unified effort of all people who believe in the power of united thought. Every seven years from December 21-28 there [...]
One Hundred Years of Agni Yoga (1)
Helena Roerich’s diaries, written in Russian, begin in March 1920, during her stay in London. They represent the source of all the eighteen books of Agni Yoga, compiled from 1924 to 1938. Agni Yoga [...]
Living Ethics and Agni Yoga
The Community has created an International Agni Yoga Conference with the intent both to gather representatives of various groups and associations in a spirit of mutual recognition, and to offer an opportunity for contact and [...]
Mailing-list Agni Yoga International Conference 2020
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Festival Week Preparation Initiative
Dear Brothers and Sisters on the Path, Please join the Libra Equinox Silent Circle Gathering on September 22nd, Sunday at 18:00 GMT/UTC (check time in your timezone here) for simultaneous meditation on the [...]
2019 | The Planet Within
Themes Key Contributors Call for insights Info & Programme Booking Info BOOK NOW versione italiana > [...]
Notre Dame: Let’s Build a New Temple Inside Ourselves
We understand and appreciate that fire is a messenger and sign of destruction as well as renewal and new life. No need to describe the profound impressions and feelings registered while viewing the fiery [...]
Roberto Assagioli ‘s notes on group consciousness
Roberto Assagioli, the founder of Psychosynthesis, used to take notes daily of his thoughts, reflections and insights on small handwritten paper sheets. These notes - called now “Assagiolini" - are part of the huge Assagioli [...]
School of Planetary and Divine Union, Aotearoa, New Zealand
In 2012, a new challenge was given to a group who had focussed their efforts for ten years on singing with the Nirmanakyas (the group of divine contemplatives, who protect our karmic limits). * In [...]
2018 | Scientists for Peace
III. International Conference October 19 – 21, 2018 Venue: Aula della cultura, Città della Pieve, Italy With the Patronage of Vai alla versione in Italiano The end point on [...]
Die Kreative Meditation als Tor zum Gruppenbewusstsein
Es lohnt sich zu erkennen, dass eine Gruppe nicht nur einfach ein Ort oder eine Ansammlung von Menschen ist. Sie ist auch ein Entwicklungsfeld des Bewusstseins, das neuen Ideen und Wegen des Seins [...]
Meditación y Vida Cotidiana
"Para contemplar con los ojos del corazón, para escuchar con los oídos del corazón al rugido del mundo, para mirar hacia el futuro con la comprensión del corazón; recordar las acumulaciones del pasado [...]
Co-Creation with the Subtle Worlds
March 16 - 17, 2019 _ Seminar, open to all Each one of us is an evolving soul within an evolving planet. We are integral [...]
Guided Tours
Participate to a Guided tour to better know the Community, its centres and the inspirational model permeating its life. Guided tours are offered and organized by the Welcome Centre. It is necessary [...]
Women’s Peace and Non Violence Group Consciousness
In the early 1980s in Aotearoa New Zealand, we had been through an exercise in non-violent direct action to protest our government involving our country with the apartheid regime in South Africa through the hosting [...]
Light Your Fire
July 21st– 28th 2019 / 7 days of co-creative experience exploring the community life An individual and group co-creative experience exploring the life of the Community and the [...]
The Seven Psychological Types in Client Work
5 - 7 June 2019 _ Seminar, open to all The new psychology will be based on an understanding of the seven psychological types - also [...]
Seven steps in group consciousness
We are beginning to put some seeds of thought into the field of our future Planet Within co-creative gathering. They are seeds released in freedom, to attract other seeds, other inspirations, other contributions. Together, during [...]
Seed thoughts for inspiration on group consciousness
In reflecting on group consciousness we can draw inspiration from many sources such as poetry, philosophers and musicians. Here are a selection that spoke to us but please share others that for [...]
Group consciousness, consciousness of the heart
Like all profound experiences of the human soul, even that of group consciousness tends to go unnoticed, an experience even more indiscernible as it is pervasive. It’s useless therefore to attempt to define it, but [...]
Invita un amico
Invita un amico Fai conoscere ai tuoi amici la nostra organizzazione inviagli da qui una mail con i link alle info e al nuovo Programma Attività 2017-18 NB. [...]
Our activities in India
The Service of the Community of Living Ethics in India includes the Himalayan Centre of Agni Yoga in Kalimpong and the Darjeeling Goodwill Centre in Darjeeling, both in West Bengal. The first one [...]
Messengers of the Solar System
Understanding and using the Signs of the Heavens in service of Humanity and the Planet Method, Times, Requirements The Solar System is continuously evolving according [...]
Psicospiritual training
Psicospiritual training The course on Group Focalization encapsulates the essential tools for becoming a Group Focalizer.