Studying and researching in the field of Agni Yoga since 1993, she was one of the founding members of the Banner of Peace Association and member of the Board of the Italian Agni Yoga Society, promoting international relationships and actively taking part in meetings and conferences.

With a master in Architecture she worked for many years as landscape planner, synthetizing her studies on human psyche and the laws of Psychic Energy with the concept of Space as a Living Entity both, in nature and human environment, applying this research in the planning of innovative and sustainable architecture, in the creation of gardens and settlements in harmony with the Genius Loci (Spirit of Place), in Italy and in India.

Fiorenza has a wide experience in the organization of cultural activities, art events and communication installments, mainly in India, like the ideation, preparation and setting of the travelling exhibition “Nicholas and Svetoslav Roerichs, painters of Himalayas”, held in Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Gangtok, Kolkata, Auroville and Shantiniketan.

She organized and lead group tours on the footprints of the Roerich family in Russia, Scandinavia, Siberia and India.

Since 2003 she was taking care of the restoration and maintenance of the tangible and intangible heritage of Crookety, the last abode of Helena Roerich in Kalimpong (India) and her Samadhi (the Withe Stupa).

For 10 years, since 2007, coordinator of the activities of the Darjeeling Goodwill Centre and since 2011 of Crookety, together with the Indian Trusts Himalayan Institute of Goodwill and Living Ethics and Darjeeling Goodwill Animal Shelter, with many other international collaborators.

For the Community of Living Ethics is responsible also for the relationship among spiritual Communities and represents CLE in the GEN Network.

She participated, in 2019, in the realization of “The Planet Within”

Our Planet is a Sphere.
Furthermore, according to Plato “The real Earth to those who look at it from above, has the shape of one of those leather balls with twelve segments…”.
Our Planet is, therefore, a soccer ball …. a dodecahedron, one of the 5 Platonic solids!
From the macrocosm to the microcosm, everything in this Universe has geometric and systemic form, governed by precise spatial laws, which make the space ‘ full ‘ of living qualities, expressed in dynamic and self-conscious forms. This is what I realized with amazement in many years of observation, study and practice working with nature, landscape and architecture.
How can one think that there is no Plan and intelligent consciousness in the construction of a hive or a sunflower or a crystal, in the human body or in the orbits of the planets around the sun? For millennia man has studied the laws of nature of which the fourth kingdom – Humanity – is also a part, discovering incontrovertible proof of a universal Harmony, regulated by proportions and relationships represented by infinite numbers, defined as irrational, that become constants.Is there therefore a Plan and a great Constructor that we can understand as a higher Group Consciousness, represented by the creative Trinity of the religions and by the whole Creation?
How do we become co-creators if we don’t develop a unified ‘geometry’ in our consciousness, in which each one unites and melds with the other to form complex harmonic structures aimed at building a new Civilization?
Can we start to think of ourselves as groups in stars, spirals, pyramids, dodecahedrons, geometric shapes colored and luminous in creative becoming in the Fire of Space, designing the lines of the new world?