

M. D. 1961 in Physics at Pisa University. He moved to Naples in 1962 and lived there for 42 years, contributing to the nonviolent movement, to the voluntary groups and District Committees of the second half of the sixties and to the District Popular Schools Movement, following the example of Barbiana’s School of Don Lorenzo Milani, that had spread in the popular neighborhoods of the historic center and the outskirts of the city. At the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Naples he was charged of the courses of Automata Theory, Epistemology and Methodology, and since 1973 History of Physics: Associate professor of the last subject since 1987, retired in the year 2004. Antonino Drago noted the complicity of the world of science, even in its academic expression, with the work of war, in 1964 he was conscientious objector to the military founds received by his group of research and he was demissioned from the status of researcher. Moreover, he organized conferences on the responsibility of the scientists. In 1982 he was one of the founders of the Union of Scientists for Disarmament (USPID), which aims to provide information and analysis on arms control and disarm; in addition, he proposes the birth of a movement of scientists that puts in place initiatives that counter the war, as e.g. against euro-missiles in Comiso (Sicily) in 1982. Drawing on the history of the movement for peace and non-violence, Drago suggests methods and objectives for popular participation in the resolution of conflicts. In 2000 he receives the National Award for the Culture of Peace “for his commitment in favor of the Nonviolent People’s Defense and for the research of alternative methods to the war for the resolution of conflicts”. Contract professor of People nonviolent defense at Science of Peace of Pisa University (2001-2013) and History and Techniques of non violence at Operations of Peace of Florence University (2004-2010). Experience of research and publications in Cybernetics, Automata theory, Biology, History and Foundations of Sciences, Epistemology, Bioethics, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Linguistic, Theology.

Among his publications:

  • Scuola e sistema di potere: Napoli, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1968.
  • Fisica, didattica, società, CLU, Napoli, 1976.
  • Scienza e guerra. I fisici contro la guerra nucleare, Torino, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 1983 (con Giovanni Salio).
  • Se vuoi la pace educa alla pace, Ed. Gruppo Abele, Torino, 1984 (con M. Borrelli e Giovanni Salio).
  • L’obiezione fiscale alle spese militari, Torino, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 1986 (con G. Mattai).
  • Le due opzioni. Per una storia popolare della scienza, Molfetta, La Meridiana, 1991.
  • Una strategia di pace: La difesa popolare nonviolenta, Fuorithema, Bologna, 1993 (con G. Stefani)
  • Per un modello alternativo di difesa nonviolenta, Editoria Universitaria, Venezia, 1995 (con M. Soccio).
  • La difesa e la costruzione della pace con mezzi civili, Torre dei Nolfi, Qualevita, 1997.
  • Storia e tecniche della nonviolenza, Tip. Laurenziana, Napoli, 2006.
  • Difesa popolare nonviolenta. Premesse teoriche, principi politici e nuovi scenari, EGA, Torino, 2006.
  • Le rivoluzioni nonviolente dell’ultimo secolo. I fatti e le interpretazioni, Nuova Cultura, Roma, 2010.
  • Dalla storia della Fisica alla scoperta dei fondamenti della Scienza, Aracne, Roma, 2017.