We all sense it…
A new Planetary era is dawning and the work of all who understand the power of Goodwill must be lifted to a new level of fiery impact for the full beauty of Renaissance to be revealed. Many prophecies have forecast this moment in time and now.
We are called to act with, and on behalf of, Humanity and the Planet.
This new note of leadership will require increased levels of daring and determination as we seek a higher synthesis amongst the potent polarities so active at this time. A higher synthesis that releases us from past conditioning to reveal new paths of beauty.
Why this Event
This event will serve as one of the fiery focal points for the expression of the emerging Planetary Renaissance.
We seek to unite co-workers around the Planet to collaborate throughout the 3 days in a co-creative project of reflection, healing, sensing, dreaming and revealing… supported by inspired inputs and stimuli to expand our consciousness.
The gathering will be offered in English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, with the aim to enable maximum participation in the co-creative process..
Programme overview
During the three days of this event will work as a group and a centre of light to play our role in anchoring the inflowing energies supporting Planetary Renaissance.
Our programme is pathway, a journey, during which we will experience times of challenge, beauty and many moments of deep reflection.
It is important to engage with this event as a whole group process and exploration in which we remain open to as yet unknown impressions and insights some of which may take us down new paths of co-creation in the moment.
The following ‘programme’ is our intended map for the journey which contains a rich mix of elements including periods of silence and reflection, music and art, contributions and group work.
14:00 – 17:30 GMT | SESSION ONE
Conference keynote Marina Bernardi
Witnessing Planetary Trauma Lorraine Flower
The Mask of Suffering Claudia Casanovas
Breakout Session Group work
17:30 – 18:30 GMT | Break
18:30 – 21:00 GMT | SESSION TWO
Building the Container of Healing Group work
The Pathway to Global Healing Claudia Casanovas/Group work
Glimpsing the Planetary Renaissance Group work
Engaging the Will Dot Maver and Wendy J. Thompson
14:00 – 17:30 GMT | SESSION THREE
Gathering our resources – connecting through the heart
Cardiac Coherence meditation Mariuccia Sofia
Witnessing Planetary Trauma Lorraine Flower
Beauty will save the world Marzia De Alexandris
Exploring beauty in polarity and synthesis Lorraine Flower/Group work
The Divine Feminine Claudia Casanovas
17:30 – 19:30 GMT | Break
19:30 – 21:00 GMT | SESSION FOUR
Building the Container of Beauty Group work
In search of Synthesis Kathy Newburn/Jude Currivan
Beauty and Synthesis through Music Claudia Bombardella/Ursula Raab
Opening to Infinity Group work
Engaging the Will Group work
14:00 – 16:50 GMT | SESSION FIVE
Embracing the Plan for Planetary Renaissance
Sounding the note of the Plan Claudia Bombardella/Ursula Raab
The qualities of the Plan Group work
The Symbols of the Plan Franco Anesi
Building the Temple of Beauty : the 7 pillars of the plan Marina Bernardi
Weaving a new Tapestry of Life Edoardo Conte
New Renaissance Principles: a hypothesis Panel
16:50 – 18:00 GMT | BREAK
18:00 – 20:45 GMT | SESSION SIX
Stepping forward: our role as servers individually and collectively Group work
Harvesting the insights Panel
Setting sail for the new Group work

Marina Bernardi
Key Themes

We anticipate the 3 days of this event will be rich and at times challenging for us all as we seek to enter the foothills of the Planetary Renaissance. Our work so far reveals the following themes for this 3-day journey:
- The Call – stepping fully into our role as Planetary co-workers – activating the fullness of our will and love as we play our part in this important time in human and planetary history
- Connecting with the Promise of Planetary Renaissance – the impulse, evocation that draws us onwards
- Witnessing and healing Planetary traumas – as co-workers supporting the Planetary Renaissance we need to be prepared to see and feel what is present and play our part in healing
- Establishing a new relationship with Beauty – beyond the obvious form nature of beauty and discovering new understandings and pathways that are embodied in the Renaissance
- Building hypotheses about the territory, the map and the tools needed in this new epoch – how will we take our steps forward as a Humanity.
Join us to play your part in this unfolding and dynamic event…
The experience
Enter deeply into the living space of the Present and listen to what is seeking to be born
Open to the Call and embrace the incoming fiery energies through the agency of the heart
Discover and step into a new phase of collaboration to fully accept and embrace our role as co-workers in the Aquarian Age
Seek to access to and help craft the new thoughtforms that will become the cornerstones of the Planetary Renaissance
Book now

Keep in touch
Contact us
Please feel free to contact us if you need more information about the event, the booking and the donation process: we will be happy to help. Write to
We will reply as soon as possible, but please allow some time.
Comunità di Etica Vivente – Loc. Pian di Mattone n. 14, Città della Pieve -(PG) CF 94005540540 Privacy & cookie policy Info: segreteria@comunitadieticavivente.org