1924 – 2024: 100 years of the Roerichs in Darjeeling and Sikkim
1935 – 2025: 90 years of the ROERICH PACT for Peace through Culture
For 20 years, the Community of Living Ethics has been promoting the projects and activities of Agni Yoga at Crookety House, where Elena Roerich spent the last years of her life, and the activities of the Good Will Centre in Darjeeling, collaborating with the Indian Trusts that support them.
Our Mission:
- To intensify and radiate from this center of Fiery energy the magnet of Agni Yoga, the message of Living Ethics, the testimony of the life and work of the Roerichs, and especially the work of the great Cosmic Consciousness of Elena, which is revealing itself ever more.
- To collaborate with other groups, in the understanding and dissemination of the energy of Goodwill, as Love in action in Humanity and among the Kingdoms of Nature, through educational and cultural activities.
2023 ended with the celebration of the arrival of the Roerichs in Darjeeling in December 1923, with a great exhibition, held at the HMI, the Himalayan Mountainering Institute. “Messages from the Great Mountains – 100 years of Roerich in Darjeeling” and with a meeting with the collaborators of the Goodwill Center who proposed the theme and common thread of the activities for 2024:
What is creativity without self-perfection?
(Agni Yoga – Heart, 75)
We ask ourselves:
- How can we develop and express our Creativity?
- What is my true Self?
- What are the qualities that support Creativity…
Intelligence, Thought, Intuition, Imagination, Will, Energy, Love…. and what more?
In human creativity thought is the impeller of each step, both in small and in great. The significance of thought is most powerful! (Infinity II, 348)
Creativeness can enter life only when all levers are impelled toward shifting. (Hierarchy, 246)
The Sensitive Group who coordinates the educational activities at Crookety House will develop the thread with the title: Creativity – the art of expressing your true talents
In addition to various local and international events on significant dates for our Spiritual Teachings (see programme), this year we are expanding the possibility of visiting Crookety for short stays of study, retreat and service, both for individuals and groups.
For information and advanced booking: segreteria.viaggio.india@gmail.com.