A co-creative response to the call for New Leadership
Online Conference
November 22nd > 24th 2024

Through the portal of expanded consciousness, group intention and action, and a deep connection with the essence of true Leadership we will help activate a new era in human leadership.
“The right of leadership belongs to a spirit linked with the Forces of Light. Therefore, according to the Higher Law, there can be no accidental leaders. When the consciousness has become expanded, then will become possible the affirmation of the great law of Leadership. In each field there should be applied a subtle understanding of the law of Leadership.”
Activating New Leadership: the key to Humanity’s future
This will be the final three day online international conference in our trilogy dedicated to a new expression of Leadership.
In this conference we will focus on activation.
We will utilise the themes from the previous two conferences to mobilise to the next stage of action. Themes that include: a deeper understanding of governance and hierarchy, leadership through the heart, reactivating the Divine Feminine and establishing a new balance with the Divine Masculine, regenerating consciousness through a higher frequency of vibration, confronting old leadership models and enacting the new.
The Conference
This is an opportunity to truly respond to the call of Leadership: Leadership of the Spirit, Leadership through the Heart and co-creative Leadership.
We envisage a co-creative group process through which the intention will be to anchor Leadership at a new level and in support of a higher level of consciousness.
It is clear that so far great models of leadership within humanity have been limited. It is time to change that not through the model of a single hero leader but by each one of us stepping into the essence of leadership.

“Thus one can enumerate all the degrees of human leadership, and become horrified at the blind alley into which humanity has entered. Verily, only the reconstruction of the World and the regeneration of consciousness can awaken the energies needed for the maintenance of the planet.”
This conference is a group work and we invite every participant to bring the intention to activate new leadership here on earth.

November 22nd – 24th 2024
14:00 – 20:00 GMT
Simultaneous Translations
Give what feels right
How to participate
The conference will be in English and Italian (with translation in these two languages) and will run for 3 days from 14:00 – 20:00 GMT, 22nd – 24th November 2024.
We will offer this on a gift economy/donation basis
Over the coming weeks and months, we will share more about the contributors, the core format and other key information.
Approaching the portal to New Leadership – releasing and opening
- The Great Preparation – Recollecting our Journey – Lorraine Flower
- Gathering the Group
– Group Work - Dis-identification Meditation – Marina Bernardi
- Releasing the Old Imprint of Leadership – Group work
- No Excuses: Consciousness between Authenticity and Bad Faith in Leadership – Mauro Ventola
- 18:10 – 18:55 GMT | BREAK
- A new Synthesis of Opposing Forces – Group Work
- 20:00 GMT | DAY CLOSE
Stepping through: the courage to be leader
- 14:00 GMT | DAY 2 OPENING
- Future Leadership: Communion and Magic – Marzia de Alexandris
- The Leadership of Peace and Equilibrium – Dot Maver
- The Courage to be Leader – Marcello Spinello
- Workout: a Planetary Problem with a New Solution – Taking a Systemic Perspective Group Work
- Leadership Labs: a Synthesis – Anne Keay
- Orchestra – A Living Example of New Leadership | WITH A MUSIC PERFORMANCE – Antonio Greco
- 17:50 – 18:30 GMT | BREAK
- Creating the new Mandala of Leadership (Part 2) – Group Work
- 20:00 GMT | DAY CLOSE
Becoming the Key: unlocking Leadership of Spirit
- Activating Leadership: Cooperating with Hierarchy Marina Bernardi
- The Sun: The Essential Leader – Agnès Revenu
- Creating the new Mandala of Leadership (Final) – Group work
- 17:40 – 18:00 GMT | BREAK
- A Synthesis of Leadership – Claudia Casanovas
- A new Covenant of Leadership – Group work
- Fire Ritual- Group work
Meet the contributors

Agnès Revenu
Agnès Revenu has been a student of Master Djwal [...]
Antonio Greco
He holds diplomas in Piano, Choral Music and Choir [...]

Claudia Casanovas
Claudia is a transpersonal / humanistic counselor. She is [...]

Dorothy J Maver
Dorothy J Maver Dorothy J Maver, Ph.D. is an [...]

Lorraine Flower
Lorraine is an Organisational and Leadership development consultant and [...]

Marcello Spinello
Marcello Spinello is currently President of the Community of [...]

Marina Bernardi
Marina Bernardi
Marina has chosen ‘the Group as a living entity’ as [...]

Marzia De Alexandris
After a Degree in Literature she has been working [...]

Mauro Ventola
Mario Ventola is the President of the Center for Ontological [...]

Michael Lindfield
Michael Lindfield is a highly regarded international consultant and [...]

Ursula Raab
Ursula is the coordinator and focaliser of the School [...]
Seed Thoughts about Leadership
We look forward to welcoming you into this vital step in the journey.
Thank you for your participation!
The video proceedings of the Conference will be available by the end of December. Please get in touch with the Conference Secretariat if you wish to gain access to the Conference videos.
Get in touch!
Please write to the Secretariat:

Comunità di Etica Vivente – Loc. Pian di Mattone n. 14, Città della Pieve -(PG) CF 94005540540 Privacy & cookie policy Info: NewLeadership@comunitadieticavivente.org