The Community of Living Ethics was born as a Centre for Creative Meditation and inspired by the Laws and Principles which are as an essential spiritual reference point.
Meditation classes, study and practice
Creative Meditation – a brief history
In the 1950’s Roberto Assagioli, widely known for his work in developing Psychosynthesis, responded to another major spiritual call – the creation of a global creative meditation training designed to support the ‘Western’ mind [...]
Landing the star-seed in Canada
The star-seed landed gently in the consciousness of the current holder of the 1st Ray vertex in 2017. However, it didn’t germinate and grow until 2019 at The Planet Within Gathering at the Community of [...]
The Radiant Heart – Portal to a Solar Civilization
The Promise of Life is like a divine seed gracefully revealing its inner beauty as it unfolds in time, space and substance: season by season, cycle after cycle and era by era. With the passing [...]
Leadership Mandala – Final Mandala
Leadership Mandala - Final Mandala Please email us at the email below with [...]
Leadership Mandala Day 3 contributions
Leadership Mandala Day 3 - Contributions Please email us at the email below [...]
Leadership Mandala Day 2 contributions
Leadership Mandala Day 2 - Contributions Please email us at the email below [...]