The Mandala of Service
We invite you to take a journey with us and to reflect on your own spirit of Service as you hear from our 12 guests.
During the year we will cover 12 “fields of action” through the experience of those who work in a spirit of Service, in a rhythm accorded to the 12 signs of the astrological year, to build a more aware, evident and shareable alliance between Heaven and Earth.
This series of podcasts is offered by the Community of Living Ethics – freely inspired by its Astrosophy group, Aldebaran, and by our research on Service.
The interviews will be hosted by Lorraine Flower, Community of Living Ethics.
If you wish to make a donation, please do so here
Comunità di Etica Vivente – Loc. Pian di Mattone n. 14, Città della Pieve -(PG) CF 94005540540 Privacy & cookie policy Info: segreteria@comunitadieticavivente.org