Welcome world!
Find information about the Community and the initiatives for international guests.
If you wish to know the Community by experience you can choose among various options, from one day visits without accomodation to a residential stay. You can also attend a weekly class, or participate to the “Community Life” week especially designed for people who want to experience our Community model. You can also come for volunteering /service experience or for a stay at the Community without specific commitment of service.
Please understand that for residential stay we will always have to check availability of accommodation with kitchen, and you will need to be independent in transportation.
Welcome young travellers!
If you are between 22 and 32 years old and would like to experience a residential stay at the Commnity of Living Ethics, contact us to find out more information on special young programs for volunteering or starting a project in collaboration with the Community of Living Ethics.
Visits, experiences and classes for international guests
Leaders of Influence
“In world events, is it not possible to perceive the manifestation of Fire? Observe the relationships of nations, the magnet of ideas, the dissemination of thoughts, and all the signs of public opinion. These flashes [...]
The Dynamic Equilibrium of Leadership
Leadership is a naturally occurring and necessary function within any conscious organism that imbues and suffuses its ‘sphere of being’ with a sense of meaning and belonging. Leadership ensures that the group’s innate promise will [...]
Crossing our own Internal Threshold toward True Leadership
The three Leadership Labs held between the two international conferences have been very inspiring encounters with a deeper and more intimate inquiry into ‘true’ leadership. In the Leadership Labs participants spoke of how they [...]
New Era Leadership: Embodying and Activating our Feminine Intelligence
One of the most potent thoughtforms New Leadership awakens in us is the sacred and powerful mystery of the feminine principle, an essential value waiting to be enlivened in all of us. To this day, [...]
Unlocking Leadership of Spirit
If Activating New Leadership is the Key to Humanity’s Future, what is it that we are unlocking? Agni Yoga provides many hints, and none greater than in Fiery World II, 48 where it is stated, [...]
Creative Meditation practice – German language Alles ist Beziehung – die Evolution der Liebe | 31 August 2025 – 6 September 2025
Alles ist Beziehung - die Evolution der Liebe Vom Moment unserer Entstehung befinden wir uns in Beziehung. Sie ist Grundlage unserer Existenz, wie die Zellen unseres Körpers – jede individuell verschieden und doch [...]
Meditation classes for international guests
Leaders of Influence
“In world events, is it not possible to perceive the manifestation of Fire? Observe the relationships of nations, the magnet of ideas, the dissemination of thoughts, and all the signs of public opinion. These flashes [...]
The Dynamic Equilibrium of Leadership
Leadership is a naturally occurring and necessary function within any conscious organism that imbues and suffuses its ‘sphere of being’ with a sense of meaning and belonging. Leadership ensures that the group’s innate promise will [...]
Crossing our own Internal Threshold toward True Leadership
The three Leadership Labs held between the two international conferences have been very inspiring encounters with a deeper and more intimate inquiry into ‘true’ leadership. In the Leadership Labs participants spoke of how they [...]
New Era Leadership: Embodying and Activating our Feminine Intelligence
One of the most potent thoughtforms New Leadership awakens in us is the sacred and powerful mystery of the feminine principle, an essential value waiting to be enlivened in all of us. To this day, [...]
Unlocking Leadership of Spirit
If Activating New Leadership is the Key to Humanity’s Future, what is it that we are unlocking? Agni Yoga provides many hints, and none greater than in Fiery World II, 48 where it is stated, [...]
Creative Meditation practice – German language Alles ist Beziehung – die Evolution der Liebe | 31 August 2025 – 6 September 2025
Alles ist Beziehung - die Evolution der Liebe Vom Moment unserer Entstehung befinden wir uns in Beziehung. Sie ist Grundlage unserer Existenz, wie die Zellen unseres Körpers – jede individuell verschieden und doch [...]