The power of Groups
Any project, goal or objective seems more attainable if a group of people, seeing themselves existing within a larger interdependent system, wholeheartedly commit themselves to accomplish it.
Teams and groups committed to the common good are increasingly becoming an essential dimension of human expression and impact, whether in organisations, communities, nations or other groupings. We live in a challenging, uncertain, volatile yet powerful world, where individual skills and know-how are no longer sufficient to navigate toward solutions and access inherent possibilities. A world where the challenges of today can only be faced through groups using applied group wisdom and committed to the greater good.
Group work is part of the incoming new world.
Therefore knowing the Group as a living bio-psycho-spiritual Entity and learning how to give it birth is a main task for every true world server. The course is the result of more than thirty years long research and experience in Group work done by the Community of Living Ethics. It encapsulates the essential tools to become a Group Focaliser. In an intense hands-on training, participants will learn:
• How to create a dynamically stable and impactful Group.
• How to lead it to the fulfilment of its task and
• How to enable every group member towards truly expressing their best qualities and potentialities.
This course is intended for who are interested in learning the laws of Group work from both a practical and spiritual perspective and geared towards effective manifestation.
The course is based on dynamic Psychology, on the personal and transpersonal Psychosynthesis, on the principles and models of Psychoenergetics and on the Star group model, designed by Enzio Savoini. No prior experience of Psychosynthesis is required.
Who are you
You feel there is more power and energy to be accessed and utilised for the greater good in Group work . You will be looking for a deeper understanding of the potential of groups and how to access that potential. You may be a member of a business, not for profit, NGO, a spiritual community or any other group.
Who we are
We are a group of researchers and practitioners, based in the Community of Living Ethics, Umbria, Italy, experiencing and living Group Work and Group Consciousness in our work, service and lives. We are inspired to raise awareness about the Science of Group Work and Group Consciousness in all fields of
human life. Our intention is to serve many groups.

New Programme start date:
April 29th 2024
The course covers three key themes each of which will be addressed throughout the 18-month programme.
The topics covered in each of the three themes are:
The Group and its process
The Structure of a Group
Group Mechanisms
The Model of the Focaliser
Phases of the Creation of a Group
The Group in the Psychoenergetic Perspective
The Group as a Field of Energies and Forces
The Energetic Circuits of the Human
Consciousness – Individual and Collective
Group Focalization, Magnetism and Irradiation
The Process of Transformation of Group Energies
Group Creativity
The Space and Time of the Group
The Creation of a Planetary Group
The Laws of Magnetism applied to the Group
Self- consciousness and the Consciousness of the Self in a Group
The Programme will commence with a 1 week in person intensive and be followed by online sessions over the subsequent 18 month period. It will culminate in a 1 week in person
First workshop – 1 week in person in Umbria, Italy, from April 29th to May 5th then OnLine.
Language: English
Place: Community of Living Ethics (Hall of Culture) / Online
Information and Resources
The Team
Our team comprises four people each of whom study and work in the field of group development and all of whom are full members of the Community of Living Ethics
Marina Bernardi

Psychologist and psychotherapist of psychosynthetic formation, she has been working in the field of psychological and spiritual development for thirty years. She has been participating and cooperating in the growth and the expansion of the Community of Living Ethics since the year 1983. She is a member of the board of the CEV and teaches in several of the Schools of the Community as well as offering courses and seminars both in Italy and around the world. Her main field of interest and research is the SCIENCE OF GROUP WORK, which she considers to be the deeper task of her life
Michael Lindfield

Michael Lindfield stimulates individuals and organizations to unleash the creativity of the human spirit in meeting the urgent need of our times and the compelling call of a more just and joyful future. He is author of ‘The Dance of Change: an Eco-Spiritual Approach to Transformation’ (Penguin Books 1986) with articles featured in psychology, education and business journals. Michael is co-founder of the Science of Group Work initiative, serves as Board President of Meditation Mount in Ojai, California and is a member of the Community of Living Ethics in Umbria, Italy.
Lorraine Flower

As a Corporate change agent, consultant, coach and mentor she works with clients across the business spectrum building a deeper practise in group work and group purpose. She is a member of the Board of the Community for Living Ethics in Umbria Italy and supports a range of developmental projects including the Science of Group Work and annual International Conferences. An alumni of the group focalisation training run by the Community of Living Ethics., Lorraine works and studies extensively in developing and exploring consciousness in groups, leadership and organisations, believing that business leaders are key players in transforming the well-being of the planet and humanity as a whole.
Silvia Pinciroli

Silvia dedicates herself in supporting individuals and groups in the process of unlocking their potential and discovering a deeper expression of Self. She facilitates and enhances the integration of the spiritual dimension into the business environment helping groups and organizations becoming the best they can be by spreading the seeds of a deeper comprehension of spiritual awareness. Silvia is the co-founder of the Masters in Business Counselling, which applies the principles and practices of Transpersonal Psychosynthesis and other Transpersonal Psychologies, in both profit and not-for-profit organizations. She has been an active member of the Community of Living Ethics for 25 years.
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