The fundamental aim is to create a service activity based on the connection between our planet and the universe that contains it, and that uses its energies.
The Star work promotes the building of group consciousness through a common meditative rhythm and enables participants to more clearly recognize and perceive qualities, and specific Ray functions, with reference to the Teaching of the Tibetan Master.
The Star work enhances the effect of the Great Invocation by connecting it to the rhythms of the sun upon our planet.
Founded on the seven rays outlined by the Tibetan Master Dwal Khul and developed by Enzio Savoini and Sergio Bartoli as a powerful framework for group work and group consciousness, the Star Model invites each member of the star to hold a function as a core responsibility within the work of the group.
In the table below, we can see the seven rays expressed as core assumptions and potential obstacles.
Basic assumptions for those who want to experience this work
- Will to common good
- Willingness to serve
- Planned activity
- A reference model
- Specificity of functions
- Communion of purposes
- Established ritual
Possible obstacles
to this work
- Lack of will
- Tendency to inertia
- Lack of planning
- Lack of an ideal model of reference to be inspired by
- Excessive attention to form
- Problems related to the preservation of the group unity
- Lack of organisation and rhythm
The work is based on the geometry of a star in which people places themselves on the energy of the seven Rays.

Functions of the seven vertices
The choice of vertex by participants is linked to one of the seven Rays and each vertex should, where possible, be operated by a soul of the same Ray. Since precisely knowing the Ray of one’s own soul is not always easy, it is accepted that a function can be managed by a soul of another Ray which carries out its function as a service activity.
I VERTEX: is connected to sound
The first vertex, linked to the first Ray and to the planet Vulcan, has the function of providing the necessary will to the group activity, of which it identifies the goal and supports the purpose. According with the rhythms of the sun, it is connected to the night sky, to the light of the stars, to winter.
It ensures the dynamics of the group and continuously renews the forces that animate it
II VERTEX: is connected with space
The second vertex is linked to the second Ray and to the planet Jupiter. It has the function to love and understand the purpose, constantly purifying the space in which it manifests itself and illuminating it with its wisdom.
It is the magnetic field of the group and it represents its horizon, which as it extends itself, so the more the will of the first vertex is strengthened. Compared to the rhythms of the sun it is connected to sunset and autumn.
It has a nourishing function, it contains without forcing, it delimits without separating and includes everything without conflict. It is in direct connection with the fourth vertex that we will see to be a factor of harmony: in fact, there is no love without harmony and there is no harmony without love.
It is the geometry of the star itself.
III VERTEX: is the divine Intelligence
The third vertex is linked to the third Ray and to Saturn. It reads the Plan and identifies with it, preparing the project for its implementation.
It is the active service for the Common Good.
According with the rhythm of the sun it is connected to the fullness of light, to noon, to summer.
It is the new element, conceived by the first and second vertices. From the third vertex originate the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh vertices.
The fourth vertex, linked to the fourth ray and to the planet Mercury, is characterized by the will to harmonize. It is the caretaker of perfection and from its presence depend the clarity and beauty of the common activity.
It conceives and implements the beauty of what the first vertex wants, the second understands and the third elaborates. Like a mirror, it welcomes what is above and transmits it to all vertices. It is the dynamism that continuously controls and checks the balanced structure of the whole.
The fifth vertex, linked to the fifth Ray and to Venus, manifests in the mental plane the plans and programs, designed by the third vertex.
He oversees the manifestation of what the first wants, the second understands, the third elaborates and the fourth reflects. Due to its intervention, new models of life are formed in the mental plan.
Its living light is the mental substance of which all things will be made, and the intensity of its light depends on the degree of concord of the group.
It is intimately connected to the third vertex and, whilst the third is the architect, the fifth is the constructor: the third elaborates and makes projects which the fifth manifests in the mental plane. It makes the star knowable to the mind of the group itself, allowing it to grasp the idea contained in it and go back to the will that generated it.
The sixth vertex, linked to the sixth Ray and to the planet Neptune, preserves the value of the group and its union.
In the star he collaborates with the second vertex to establish group communion.
His incessant activity is aimed at finding the Value in relation to the whole and to the purpose.
He catches the vision. He holds the memory of the first idea and presents it to the other vertices so that they do not forget it along the difficult process of approaching the realization of the Purpose. The unitary vision is his flag, he carries the banner.
The seventh vertex, linked to the seventh Ray and to the planet Uranus, coordinates and organizes the star in a hierarchical way, so that relationships, priorities and times are respected in it, pursuing the best functionality of the whole in order to give shape to its creative activity of continuous renewal.
It is at the frontier of the star, therefore in contact with the external environment: it is the guardian of the threshold.
It makes the form as an integrated and harmonious whole, even if it is composed of apparently dissimilar parts. It is the magical work: thanks to his work, an incoherent and ineffective group of men is transformed into a single coherent force, capable of feeding the fire of Purpose.