Creative meditation2024-07-11T15:09:21+02:00

The Community of Living Ethics was born as a creative meditation center. Creative meditation draws its inspiration from the “Laws and Principles”-  an essential reference for our Future.

Laws and Principles yearly Meditation Scheme

The practice of creative meditation is based on “Laws and Principles”:

A yearly work on creative meditation at the Community of Living Ethics, based on “Laws and Principles” outlined in an essay by Roberto Assagioli, in conjunction with the full moon cycle.

Right Human Relations
Group Endeavour
Spiritual Approach

Essential Divinity

Meditations from the heart of the Community of Living Ethics

Listen and Meditate with the audio files

12-07-2020 –  Meditation – The eternal Origins: the masculine and feminine principles

We – both as individuals and as humanity – originate from the Mother and Father of the world. These principles where reflected in our parents, butextend beyond that. Let us all dive into the reality and qualities of the eternal origins.
This is the final meditation for this cycle. Meditations will resume after summer.


How the way of Fire has allowed you to experience your essential nature?
Essential Divinity is the highest point of sinthesys, where we reach our true essence. What our true essence is? In an absolute sense, it is the deepest core of Life, that contains purpose and meaning. In a relative sense Essential Divinity is what we are able to appreciate that is the most central point of our being at the moment: because we are evolving, this perception is destined to change. Not our essence, but our understanding of it is. Let’s explore this through our meditation.

How the way of Fire has allowed you to experience your essential nature?
The way of fire can appear to be abstract, but in facts it is the most real. This is the way that takes us to our centre of being.
Let us all reflect on the way of fire in our life: our work with matter can become an action fire, our relationships can burn with love and we can let our thoughts be fiery seeds carving their way through space to create new expressions.

This meditation is a healing and inspiring journey around our planet – holding all continents, cultures and peoples in our heart

Community: a group of human beings in conscious and consecrated union; a great entity with deep values, and a living being.

English Version

This meditation is available also in Deutsch language

Standing as the Soul we affirm our intent to move through this global crisis as renewed and more complete human beings. In few days it will be the full moon of Gemini, which is also called the Full Moon of the Christ or the Festival of GoodWill. Let’s look back at our life, to when we expressed the Principle of Good Will or we were recipients of Good Will. Let us all think about the moment we knew we would dedicate our life to the good. Allow yourself to live again that moment, to register the presence of Good Will in our life.  Then let us turn towards a brighter goal: the Will to Good. The Will to Good implies directing our will to the Greater Goodness already present on the subtle plane. This Principle provides us with a reservoir of energy to draw upon, to infuse ourselves with so that we might bring goodness in life.

Standing as the Soul between the memories of the past and the possibilities of the future, let’s become aware of the presence of both and include these two ways, the earth and the sky, karma and dharma. Which are the qualities that we can bring forth from our experiences in the Light of Right Relations? The law of Right Relations allows for each event to find its place and gives us the access to a reservoir of resources to draw upon from all the dimensions we live in. Then we have the possibility to stand steady in the currents of Love and to connect together to bring Light to the world.

Let’s begin by bringing ourselves to a point of stillness, and Standing as the Soul let’s renew our intention to come out of this crisis as better human beings.
From the full moon of Taurus we are approaching the full moon of Gemini, when we celebrate the Good will Festival: this is the full moon of the Christ. So it makes sense to focus on the Christ within us, our Essential Divinity. This Christ Presence represents the highest status of consciousness we can experience as human beings on earth: the marriage of our Divine and human selves, our true essence. Let’s explore a deeper contact with this Presence.

First, let us all affirm our intention to come out from this present global crisis renewed and complete.
Let us ask to ourselves: what resources, understanding, qualities have added to our chalice during the Wesak? Let us all gather further insights and hold the received qualities in the light of our Soul to proceed on the path of Service.

First, let us  all affirm our intention to come out from this present global crisis renewed and complete.
Then let us all start our preparation to a very special time –  the Wesak Festival – connecting “in Unanimity” through the earth to all souls, all planetary realms and beyond.

Take the opportunity to meditate listening to a rare audio file by Roberto Assagioli, dating back to the 1960’s Wesak. The audio file is in the italian language, but we have provided an english transcript to help you with the contents expressed. This meditation contains a powerful Invocation. An invocation is, with Assagioli’s words “a synthesis of meditation – that is made in an intelligent, conscious way, with a clear mind, with an enlightened mind – of prayer – that is with momentum of the heart, with invocation in the sense of feeling driven by compassion , by love and faith – of will understood as a volitional affirmation, of request and almost of need.”

 Read the English transcript

Take the opportunity to reflect about the role you currently play as and individual and as a member of our human family. Allow yourself to rise above all the collective unbalanced currents. Become a point of stability, standing as a soul in balance: ” I am, therefore I love”. Connect with other points of light, becoming aware of the network of light surronding our planet. Help the healing of the planet partecipating in an act of planetary blessing.

Listen and Meditate now

Connecting our consciousness with the resources of Soul, where we can find inspiration.
What does living Goodwill mean today in the present global situation? How can right relationships manifest today in our individual life and in the life of our individual family? Let us create a choice of an intent to apply in our everyday life, to become agents of Goodwill in the world. Let us connect to the network of people that are acting as Servers and support the spreading of Wisdom, Love and Light

Meditation on the GoodWill Principle and on the Law of Right human Relations, as a guiding light in our life at this complex time.
What does living Goodwill mean today in the present global situation? How can right relationships manifest today in our individual life and in the life of our individual family? Let us create a choice of an intent to apply in our everyday life, to become agents of Goodwill in the world. Let us connect to the network of people that are acting as Servers and support the spreading of Wisdom, Love and Light.

Full moon and New moon meditations

New moons and full moons are significant accents in the rythm of our life and in the sky cycle.

The New Moon intensifies the “prayer”. This is the time we can sow the seeds for new projects in our heart, in accordance with the specific energies and messages brought to us by the solar signs. We can protect and grow these seedds until the next full moon.

The Full Moon is the moment of “blessing”, when it is possible to receive and distibute the energies that the Sky pours on Earth, to allow human and planetary evolution.
This is the right time to transform into actions the projects for the Common Good that we began to nourish at the New moon.

New Moons

New moon Leo
4 August 2024 h.11:39

New moon Virgo
3 September 2024 h.3:57

New moon Libra
2 October 2024 h.20:50

New moon Scorpio
11 November 2024 h.13:48

New moon Sagittarius
1 December 2024 h.7:23

New moon Capricornus
30 December 2024 h.23:28

New moon Aquarius
29 January 2025 h.13:37

New moon Pisces
28 February 2025 h.1:46

New moon Aries
29 March 2025 h.11:59

New moon Taurus
27 April 2025 h.21:22

New moon Gemini
27 May 2025 h.5:03

New moon Cancer
25 June 2025 h.12:33

New moon Leo
24 July 2025 h.21:12

New moon Virgo 1
23 August 2025 h.8:08

New moon Virgo 2
21 September 2025 h.21:55

Full moons

Full moon Cancer
21 July 2024 h.12:18

Full moon Leo
19 August 2024 h.20:27

Full moon Virgo
18 September 2024 h.4:36

Full moon Libra
17 October 2024 h.13.28

Full moon Scorpio
15 November 2024 h.22:30

Full moon Sagittarius
15 December 2024 h.10:03

Full moon Capricornus
13 January 2025 h.23:28

Full moon Aquarius
12 February 2025 h.14:55

Full moon Pisces
14 March 2025 h.7:56

Full moon Aries
13 April 2025 h.2:23

Full moon Taurus (Wesak)
12 May 2025 h.18:57

Full moon Gemini
11 Jume 2025 h.9:45

Full moon Cancer
10 July 2025 h.03:09

Full moon Cancer
21 July 2025 h.22:38

Full moon Leo
9 August 2025 h.9:56

Full moon Virgo
7 September 2025 h.20:10

Solstices and Equinoxes

Solstices and Equinoxes follow the Light Cycle on our planet. They “punctuate” the moments of maximum and minimum Light (Solstices) and of balance between day and night (Equinoxes) in the eternal ascending and descending dance of visible Light.

Autumn Equinox – 23 September 2023 h.08:51

Winter Solstice – December 22, 2023 h.04:28

Spring Equinox – March 20, 2024 h.04:08

Summer Solstice – June 20, 2024 h.22.52

Autumn Equinox – 22 September 2024 h.14:45

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