
Creative Meditation practice – German language Alles ist Beziehung – die Evolution der Liebe | 31 August 2025 – 6 September 2025

2024-07-29T11:48:39+02:00July 15th, 2024|

Alles ist Beziehung - die Evolution der Liebe Vom Moment unserer Entstehung befinden wir uns in Beziehung. Sie ist Grundlage unserer Existenz, wie die Zellen unseres Körpers – jede individuell verschieden und doch Teil eines größeren Systems. Zuerst orientieren wir uns an den Beziehungen zu unseren nächsten Mitmenschen und bilden dadurch unser ICH [...]

Wesak Celebration | May 10th – 13th 2025

2024-07-21T18:40:21+02:00July 12th, 2024|

Wesak Celebration The Light of consciousness opening to the manifestation of the Good The full moon of Taurus, or the Wesak Festival, can be considered the most important spiritual event of the year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world and is connected to Lord Buddha and the Christ. Wesak [...]

Online Conference – Activating New Leadership | November 22nd-24th 2024

2024-12-06T19:31:43+01:00June 21st, 2024|

A co-creative response to the call for New Leadership Online Conference November 22nd > 24th 2024 BOOK NOW Through the portal of expanded consciousness, group intention and action, and a deep [...]

International Focaliser School | New edition soon

2024-07-21T16:35:21+02:00March 21st, 2023|

The power of Groups Any project, goal or objective seems more attainable if a group of people, seeing themselves existing within a larger interdependent system, wholeheartedly commit themselves to accomplish it. Teams and groups committed to the common good are increasingly becoming an essential dimension of human expression and impact, whether in organisations, [...]

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