blog Intl

New Leadership – attuning to the drumbeat of the Universal Heart

2023-04-04T21:53:05+02:00April 4th, 2023|

The significance of the word Heart is the significance of life itself as it beats eternally at the very heart of the universe.’ Tibetan Master Opening our awareness toward the beating heart of the Universe we open to a much larger and fundamental principle – that all life is sustained by the living universe [...]

From “master father” to team builder

2021-12-24T10:54:21+01:00December 24th, 2021|

As the individuals and the group collectively recognise and work with their inner power and see the true value they can bring when they work toward unity in diversity, the traditional role of the leader has to change.  It may seem strange to reflect on professional, organisational or business groups when thinking about [...]

The slow path to group leadership

2024-07-09T16:23:04+02:00December 24th, 2021|

There is ground to believe that it is through the international community that impersonal group leadership may emerge. The current world situation helps consider how the relationship between leadership and group is evolving, and whether leadership is still a prerogative of individuals. The form of such relationship currently most applied throughout the [...]

Global Silent Minute

2021-12-19T12:26:28+01:00December 19th, 2021|

21 December 2021 at 9pm GMT is the annual Global Silent Minute.  You are invited to participate wherever you are by simply ringing a bell and entering one minute of Silence. Or, participate in the Regeneration Through Silence event from 8:40pm to 9:10pm GMT. The inspiration for the Silent Minute was born [...]

Living on the boundary: the destiny of the Server

2023-06-24T22:45:02+02:00July 7th, 2020|

A few days ago, while I was in a moment of conscious exchange with the sun, opening myself to let myself be penetrated by its light and the qualities that this brings with it, suddenly I felt a new point of contact with myself. It is that point where those rays, not only physical but [...]

Principle of Unanimity

2020-07-04T09:45:19+02:00June 24th, 2020|

June 21 – August 20 What is Unanimity? • It is the expression of the essential unity that underlies the whole of creation • Unanimity is not uniformity: it is unity in diversity and diversity in unity • Organic unity; functional unit (reflect on the analogy to the human body) Individuation and Unanimity Humanity is [...]

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