New Leadership

Nurturing the seeds of our research from last year’s conference…

2023-10-05T11:38:24+02:00October 5th, 2023|

In November 2022, 250 people opened their hearts to enter the field of ‘New Leadership’ sensing that it is a vital topic for our times as world servers and as humanity as a whole. All that follows in this article is built upon the comments and ideas generated within the group process. For example, [...]

The idea of Hierarchy is a cosmic law

2023-10-05T11:51:24+02:00October 5th, 2023|

This statement from the Agni Yoga teachings gives us a glimpse of the scale of the principle of hierarchy. In this short commentary inspired by the Agni Yoga teachings, Joleen DuBois President of the White Mountain Education Association, offers us a few windows through which we can consider our own relationship with ‘the idea of [...]

Leadership – building the Temple of the New Humanity

2023-10-06T19:17:47+02:00October 5th, 2023|

When we contemplate the task of building a Temple from a leadership perspective, it may conjure up images of carefully planned labor and directed diligent construction over many years to raise a religious edifice consecrated to worship. Temples come in all shapes and sizes – from the universal to the individual – and yet [...]

The slow path to group leadership

2024-07-09T16:23:04+02:00December 24th, 2021|

There is ground to believe that it is through the international community that impersonal group leadership may emerge. The current world situation helps consider how the relationship between leadership and group is evolving, and whether leadership is still a prerogative of individuals. The form of such relationship currently most applied throughout the [...]

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