
About Comunicazione

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So far Comunicazione has created 207 blog entries.

The Mansion of the Serving Man

2021-11-14T14:34:01+01:00November 14th, 2021|

  There is a phrase in the spiritual teachings that powerfully yet synthetically describes this period into which we are now entering; this period of the Aquarian age in combination with the inpouring of a new ray energy, the energy of the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic. It states that “When the sun [...]

The resilient heart: standing steady in times of turmoil

2021-09-28T11:49:09+02:00September 27th, 2021|

To be honest, in our heart of hearts we’ve always sensed it would be a race against time – a gnawing knowing that the waves of change set in motion by our polarizing beliefs and behaviors would eventually reach the shores of daily life and cause massive disruption. That time is now upon us and [...]

A (personal) history of the Renaissance

2021-09-28T13:41:53+02:00September 27th, 2021|

June 1970: Fiorenza discovers that she bears the ancient name of Florence, the "flourishing". She discovers it by spending a week there preparing the final exam at Art School. Intense days spent with Maria, her study friend, from early morning to evening, when they return to the Youth Hostel in via Santa Monaca, with their [...]

The role of the server in the Planetary Renaissance

2021-09-27T21:51:33+02:00September 27th, 2021|

We perceive that profound and unprecedented changes are taking place on our planet Earth related to the end of a great cycle that is called the Age of Pisces and the transition to the Age of Aquarius. We can assume that the entire planetary organism is about to make a "quantum" leap in accordance with [...]

Travelling with Humanity: Hero of the Future

2021-08-17T08:13:19+02:00August 16th, 2021|

"Those who know that the Eternal lives in them and that they, and all things, are really the Eternal, inhabit the grove of miraculous trees, drink the dew of immortality, and hear the silent music of eternal harmony everywhere... " Joseph Campbell There is a story that has been told by a thousand voices, written [...]

The beauty and creative power of synthesis

2021-08-17T08:14:00+02:00August 16th, 2021|

Our world is now and has long been filled with conflicts borne out of opposing views – what we might call polarised views. For example, I think this, you think the opposite. Or perhaps even more strongly – I believe this, and you believe that. There is an essential value in this polarisation in that [...]

The call for a Planetary Renaissance

2021-07-03T17:20:49+02:00June 29th, 2021|

Renaissance or cultural rebirth is something that history shows us is an intrinsic part of the human journey. Although we often refer to ‘the Renaissance’ as meaning the period in European history spanning the 15th and 16th Centuries where beautiful artworks and scientific insights were born, one can discover much written about other cultural rebirths [...]

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