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So far CEV.comunicazione has created 411 blog entries.

We are the Path | September 24 – 27, 2023

2024-07-15T16:06:37+02:00March 20th, 2023|

We are the path Invitation to meet in the name of Those who guide and assist us from the world of Souls. Let us gather to create together a space of love and contact with the Realms of our true self. Let us be inspired and filled with all we need to fulfill [...]

The Time of Maitreya and the Mother of the World

2022-11-14T23:11:48+01:00August 4th, 2022|

Let's travel again to India! The Time of Maitreya and of the Mother of the World Group journey with seminar at Crookety, visit to Kashmir (Jammu e Srinagar), Darjeeling and its surroundings. March 26 - April 11, 2023 It is also possible to carry out individual and group [...]

From “master father” to team builder

2021-12-24T10:54:21+01:00December 24th, 2021|

As the individuals and the group collectively recognise and work with their inner power and see the true value they can bring when they work toward unity in diversity, the traditional role of the leader has to change.  It may seem strange to reflect on professional, organisational or business groups when thinking about [...]

The slow path to group leadership

2024-07-09T16:23:04+02:00December 24th, 2021|

There is ground to believe that it is through the international community that impersonal group leadership may emerge. The current world situation helps consider how the relationship between leadership and group is evolving, and whether leadership is still a prerogative of individuals. The form of such relationship currently most applied throughout the [...]

Global Silent Minute

2021-12-19T12:26:28+01:00December 19th, 2021|

21 December 2021 at 9pm GMT is the annual Global Silent Minute.  You are invited to participate wherever you are by simply ringing a bell and entering one minute of Silence. Or, participate in the Regeneration Through Silence event from 8:40pm to 9:10pm GMT. The inspiration for the Silent Minute was born [...]

We are One – dem Weg des Herzens folgen

2023-06-24T22:44:05+02:00October 27th, 2021|

26 Juni - 02 Juli 2022 _ Sommerkurs, offen für alle Das Herz ist über die lebensspendende organische Funktion hinaus das Zentrum unseres Selbst. Es hat die Aufgabe das Leben der Seele, das Licht und die Liebe einer höheren Dimension in die niedrigeren Bewusstseinsebenen zu lenken. Die Aktivierung dieser Funktion und der Einklang [...]

From the past to the future: the endless chain of cooperation

2021-03-30T11:32:42+02:00March 30th, 2021|

What could be the task for us today? What form could the next link in the golden chain of cooperation have?   An image that often recurs in the books of Agni Yoga is that of the "chain of cooperation", in which each ring represents a part of the global creative work: a part that, [...]

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