CSA Participative Project open to CEV members
Adopt a Olive Tree & Regenerate the Earth

CSA is an Agricolture sustained by a Community.
This initiative has as a vision a Community that sustains olive trees (CSO)
regenerating the earth.
Why this Project
The Community of Living Ethics has taken root and grown in the splendid nature of the Umbrian hilly territory, which has been respectfully cultivated and transformed for centuries.
It is from this Nature that the Community, since 1981, has drawn inspiration and stimuli for the research and study that characterize it.
Now it is Nature who needs our conscious help.
For our ancestors, maintaining fertile soils and healthy plants was a commitment and a duty that ensured the survival, prosperity and future of their families.
Today all this is difficult, since small-scale organic farming works with very low margins that do not allow to have the necessary resources for the improvement interventions that the land needs.
How then to follow the good custom that taught us that the earth is not owned but received from previous generations to hand it over possibly improved to the generations to come?
Why participate as a Community member?
Because each of us can have the experience of taking part in the regeneration process of the earth.
We have been experimenting with this process for two years with Permaculture and now we would like to extend it to olive trees as well.
We want to offer all of us, members, the opportunity to participate!
The hills of our community are home to a thousand olive trees that need to be nourished and cared for by regenerating the soil in which they have rooted for hundreds of years.
To do this, we need people of Good Will who, even though they know that they cannot immediately receive material products in exchange, help us to support care interventions throughout the seasons.
With a small gesture, we will promote the regenerative process of the olive trees and the soil, together with the soil’s ability to retain water for longer to cope with climate change.
The Dream of the Olive tree
Adopt a Olive tree, donate now!
For more information about the project, please contact us: adotta1ulivo@comunitadieticavivente.org

Olive tree: a living symbol
Since ancient times, the olive tree has represented the spirit and sacredness of human work, which made it "domestic", friend and brother. He, resistant to frost and drought, to water and fire, is the guardian of human evolution, a silent witness to the rise and decline of civilizations such as the Etruscan one, and generous with gifts, first of all the oil that burns to illuminate the Temple.
Thus, taking care of the olive trees, a symbol of many values, can trigger that virtuous process that leads from co-responsibility to the regeneration of the Earth and Consciousness, ours and the Planet one.
Adopt an olive tree and regenerate the earth!
Sometimes the roots of a tree may be firmer than the foundations of a house. When the floor starts shaking, wouldn’t it be safer to catch hold of the branch of a tree? (Heart , 231)
We propose to donate a small amount (less than 6 euros per month) with an advance commitment of at least 3 years (210 euros) or 5 years (320 euros).
You can choose to adopt one or more olive trees as an individual or as a group, or to participate with even a small but heartfelt donation in the Uliveta del Dono
(collective Olive Grove donation)
With our participation the pilot project: “ADOPT AN OLIVE TREE & REGENERATE THE EARTH”, will take care of the first 200 olive trees in San Michele – Valle del Sole, as part of an overall project that includes MaestroOrto, other permaculture interventions and training experiences.
What you will receive
- The experience of participating in a shared earth regeneration project.
- A newsletter keeping you informed about the progress of the trees and the land.
- Discounts on learning experiences in Permaculture.
- A Quality – or Angel – that will accompany the Olive tree and you as the olve companion for the next three / five years.
The selected Qualities will be included in a Blessing meditation that will be held on December 21st, and then sent to donors in a digital format. - An Olive tree Adoption Certificate (digital format).
You can also gift the Adoption to someone for Christmas, dedicating the Qualiity and the Adoption Certificate to the person you wish to gift the Olive tree to.
Choose the preferred donation. Please make your donation by the 31th of December.
Donate now!
For information about this initiative please contact us writihng to adotta1ulivo@comunitadieticavivente.org
Some images of our Olive trees ( and olives!)
- Ramo di Ulivo / Oive tree branchl
- Raccogliendo… / Harvesting…
- Olive raccolte / Harvested olives
- Olive raccolte – detail / Harvested olives -detail
- Ulivi della Comunità / Community olive trees
- Un bellissimo Ulivo / A beautiful Olive tree
- Olive verdi / Green olives
- Il sorriso delle olive! / Smiling olives!
- Ulivi CEV / CEV Olive trees
- Gli ulivi di S. Michele / S. Michele’s olive trees