Online Conference
17th/19th NOVEMBER 2023
A three day online international conference to nurture collectively a new expression of Leadership, by exploring its link to Consciousness and to the infinite chain of Cooperation that connects all dimensions of Life, including our own.
The event has ended; please contact us if you wish to access the video proceedings.

“Upon the blending of the arcs of consciousnesses is life built. Hierarchy and leadership are affirmed upon the cosmic law.
Hence creativeness of spirit is so essentially imbued with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the leader is in contact with the Cosmic Magnet, and the entire saturation of the world can be intensified by this great law.
Thus We create through the merging of consciousness and heart.’
Hierarchy 415
Activating New Leadership through the Power of Consciousness
We are delighted to confirm the theme for the second of three events dedicated to Activating New Leadership which will focus on Leadership and Consciousness.
We will be building on the foundations laid down during last year’s event where we considered the courage to love, the power to serve through five core lenses – redeeming the past, focus on the future, co-measurement, the power of love/the feminine, the importance of governance and our relationship with hierarchy.
Each of these themes invited us to be present at the highest levels of consciousness which in turn invokes our collective next step. If we are to truly activate New Leadership this must be approached through higher levels of consciousness.
The Event
The three-day Conference will be an opportunity to go deeper into our understanding of the relationship between consciousness, hierarchy and leadership. We will enter deeply into the space of this vast triangulation through these and other questions:
- What is leadership and what is its relationship to consciousness?
- Where do love, power, will, collaboration and hierarchy fit in the emerging models of leadership?
- What can we learn from past and present exemplars of leadership? And what is our responsibility in activating new leadership?
- What are the higher luminaries inviting us to consider and what seeds are already emerging?
This conference is a group work and every participant will bring their own energy, note and influence upon the discussion and themes as we move toward a partial synthesis on day 3, which we will develop further in our 3rd conference on leadership next year.

‘The understanding of Hierarchy will help to establish the manifestation of the Leader, who in relation to the Higher Ones is not a leader but a follower.’
Fiery World II, 80
The Leadership Call – hearing and responding
- 14:00 GMT | OPENING
- Reaping the Seeds from last year
- Consciousness and Leadership: Daring to Become the Un-known – Agnes Revenu
- Entering the consciousness of leadership – Mari Hollander, Gordon Davidson
- From Personality to Hierarchical Leadership – Joleen DuBois
- Entering the consciousness of leadership – Group work
- 18:15 – 19:00 GMT | BREAK
- Worskhop – Leadership and the eco-system of self – Michael Lindfield
- The Power to serve – Lorraine Flower
- 20:00 GMT | CLOSE
Emerging Signs and Seeds
- 14:00 GMT | OPENING
- The Cosmic call for Leadership – Ursula Raab, Aldebaran
- Leadership within Spiritual Communities – Findhorn, UK: Kathy Tyler, Judy McAllister, Mari Hollander, Michael Lindfield – Cultural Avatar Foundation, Brazil: Elisa Treiger – Community of Living Ethics, Italy: Marina Bernardi, Gabriella Fini, Leili Khosravi.
- Training Young Leaders of Peace –
The Rondine Method for conflict transformation
– Franco Vaccari, Rondine Cittadella della Pace - Breathing into Leadership
– Group Work - 18.00 – 18:45 GMT | BREAK
- Hildegard von Bingen: a key example between Divine Authority and Harmonic Consciousness – Elena Modena
- 20:00 GMT | CLOSE
How Life organises itself
- 14.00 GMT | OPENING
- She Who Leads – Marzia de Alexandris
- Rooted In Earth And Sky – Spirituality In Balance, Indigenous Women’s Knowing – Elisi Joan Henry
- Circle: the DNA of Leadership – Christina Baldwin
- Hierarchical Collaboration: an advanced Leadership model? – Marina Bernardi
- Harvesting the seeds of New Leadership – Group work
- 18.00 – 18:45 GMT | BREAK
- Harvesting the seeds of New Leadership – Group work
Meet the Contributors
Elisi Joan Henry
Joan Henry (Tsalagi/Nde’/Arawaka) Dekanogisgi (Traditional Song-Carrier) & Elisi (Grandmother) [...]
Gordon Davidson
Gordon Asher Davidson has a long career of active [...]
Elisa Treiger
Homeopátic pediatrician, member of the Treiger Clinic, instructor and former president [...]
Mari Hollander
Over the past 45 years I have been involved [...]
Christina Baldwin
Author Christina Baldwin is a pioneer in the field of [...]
Franco Vaccari
Franco Vaccari (Arezzo, 9 July 1952) is an Italian psychologist, [...]
Elena Modena
As a graduate in Piano, Harpsichord and Continuo, Organ, [...]

Agnès Revenu
Agnès Revenu has been a student of Master Djwal [...]

Joleen DuBois
Joleen DuBois is a board member of the Nicholas Roerich [...]

Ursula Raab
Ursula is the coordinator and focaliser of the School [...]

Marina Bernardi
Marina Bernardi
Marina has chosen ‘the Group as a living entity’ as [...]
Gabriella Fini
After years of corporate experience in managerial roles, Gabriella [...]

Lorraine Flower
Lorraine is an Organisational and Leadership development consultant and [...]

Michael Lindfield
Michael Lindfield is a highly regarded international consultant and [...]

Marzia De Alexandris
After a Degree in Literature she has been working [...]

Leili Khosravi
Dr. Leili Khosravi, MD, specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics, [...]

17th-19th November 2023
15:00 / 21:00 CET
Simultaneous Translations
You can donate what is in your possibilties.
We can confirm that the conference will be in English and Italian (with translation in these two languages) and will run for 3 days from 14:00 – 20:00 GMT, 17 th – 19 th November 2023.
We will offer this on a gift economy/donation basis Booking is now open!
Over the coming weeks and months, we will share more about the contributors, the core format and other key information.
We very much hope that you feel drawn to participate in this significant journey and help bring true, living leadership into the field of the human psyche. For now, we ask that you save the date and share this information far and wide so that all who resonate with this magnetic impulse can bring their note to the work.
Should you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate and contact us:
NewLeadership @comunitadieticavivente.org
If you did not participate in the event and would like to access the video contributions, please do write to us. As soon as the video are available we will grant you access to them. You will be also asked to make a donation according to your means and to what your heart suggests.

Comunità di Etica Vivente – Loc. Pian di Mattone n. 14, Città della Pieve -(PG) CF 94005540540 Privacy & cookie policy Info: NewLeadership@comunitadieticavivente.org