” The right of leadership belongs to a spirit linked with the Forces of Light.
Therefore, according to the Higher Law, there can be no accidental leaders.
When the consciousness has become expanded, then will become possible the affirmation of the great law of Leadership.”
51 Fiery World III
Activating New Leadership:
the Courage to Love, the Power to Serve
The subject of Leadership is so important to the world right now that we anticipate focusing on this topic over several years.
Our first step is a two-day workshop where we plan to work as a group with those who feel drawn to the vital practise of Leadership.
Together we will deepen our understanding about the nature of New Leadership – guided by the esoteric teachings, the world examples that have gone before us plus our collective inspiration in cooperation with the resources of higher wisdom.
Key to our work will be releasing old forms of leadership to make space for the new to fully emerge.
We will be exploring the qualities and characteristics of the new leader central to which of course will be Heart qualities aligned with qualities of the Will.
The event
The two-day event will be an opportunity to contribute to the definition and activation of New Leadership for the New Era.
We will consider the responsibilities of service and our individual and collective participation in leadership.
This gathering will not adopt a conventional conference format – although it will include offerings by specific contributors dedicated to the subject and practise of Leadership.
We will be posing questions and exploring principles as we work as a group, and among these “what are the essential leadership qualities needed for the New Era?”
Our points of focus will include:
- The leadership archetypes that condition our current understanding of leadership and what we need to redeem and release.
- The ability of the leader to look to the future on a grand scale.
- The need for what is called in Agni Yoga ‘co-measurement’ – utilising in right measure the energy, force and substance available in all situations.
- Accessing the true nature of love and utilising this in leadership.
- New models of leadership drawing from the higher wisdom including group leadership.

“The gaze of the Leader is always directed toward the future”
Helena Roerich

26- 27th November 2022
14:00 to 20:00 GMT
Simultaneous translations
Give what you can afford
When and how to participate
We welcome all who feel drawn to actively participate. Bring your thoughts, insights and reflective capabilities so as to enable a co-creative process.
The event will be offered in English and Italian (with translation in these two languages) and will run online from 14:00 – 20:00 GMT on 26th and 27th November 2022.
We will offer this event on a gift economy / donation basis. Please donate and book here.
Over the coming weeks and months, we will share more about the contributors, the core format and other key information.
All timings in GMT
14:00 – 14:50
Welcome and event set up
14:50 – 16:30
Leadership – redeeming the wisdom of the past and present
The Leadership Principle – past, present and future
Lorraine Flower
Evolutionary Leadership – The Inner Meaning of the Mahabharata
Naveen Vasudevan
Group work
16:30 – 16:45 | BREAK
16:45 – 18:00
Leadership – embracing the power of the future
Hypotheses about the future
Marzia de Alexandris
Astrological Ritual
Ursula Raab
Leadership: Mystery, Illusion and Pragmatism
Giuseppe Trebalate
18:00 – 19:00 | BREAK
19:00 – 19:30
Leadership – Co-measurement at the Heart of our Leadership Journey
Dot Maver
19:30 – 20:45 | Group work
20:45 – 21:00 | CLOSE
14:00 – 14:30
Welcome and event set up
Opening to the Heart
14:30 – 15:35
Leadership – the power of love and the feminine
Leading with Love: transmuting fear
Dianne Dain
She Who Leads
Fiorenza Bortolotti/Banner of Peace Group
15:35 – 15:50 | BREAK
15:50 – 16:35
Leadership – understanding governance and group leadership
Holarchy and the Principle of Leadership in a Nested Universe
Michael Lindfield
Leading through Synthesis
Marina Bernardi
16:35 – 17:10 | Group work
17:10 – 18:10 | BREAK
18:10 – 19:30
Leadership Panel – Leadership in the New Era
Dot Maver with Samira Barucija, Christine Thomas, Shelley Ostroff and Kehkashan Basu
19:30 – 20:45 | Group work
20:45 – 21:00 | CLOSE
Our Contributors will include contemporary leaders across diverse walks of life who will help us reflect on the qualities for a new leadership.

Marina Bernardi

Contact us
If you have any questions at all please contact our event team, who will be happy to help.
We hope very much that you feel drawn to participate in this significant journey and help bring true, living leadership into the field of the human psyche.
Our work together will build a magnet that calls forth and helps move forward a true expression of leadership – offering a new blueprint and model for the decades ahead.
The live event has now ended.
The video recordings are now available!
To access the video recordings, please write to newleadership@comunitadieticavivente.org.
You will be invited to make a donation according to the gift economy principles: give only what you can afford, donate with your heart.
Comunità di Etica Vivente – Loc. Pian di Mattone n. 14, Città della Pieve -(PG) CF 94005540540 Privacy & cookie policy Info: NewLeadership@comunitadieticavivente.org