Comunità di Etica Vivente
Comunità di Etica Vivente

Humanity and the Cosmos conference

Humanity and the Cosmos International online Agni Yoga Conference

1920 / 2020  One Hundred Years of Agni Yoga Teachings

1 / 4 October 2020
join us online

Mother of the World

The Conference has ended.

Dear Friends of Agni Yoga,
the four-day Conference unfolded in all its beauty and depth of both information and experience.

You were not able to participate live but would like to access the Conference content?

We realised that there may well be others who wish to avail themselves of the rich content of this on-line conference.

Therefore, if you would like to access all the recordings of the conference, we invite you to participate in the conference gift economy, and with a donation of any amount you will receive access to the presentations. We are grateful to all who made this possible and may it serve well the international Agni Yoga Community,

In loving cooperation,

Community of Living Ethics and Italian Agni Yoga Society.

“Weaving a Network of Fire”: Conference synthesis note

by Marina Bernardi

As a summary of this Conference I like to coin the term Cosmic Pioneers, that weave a Network of Fire. That’ s how I want to think about all of us in the near future!

Our Agni Yoga conference is now behind us and together with it, also the year and a half of intense work, which has seen many people at work in different fields.  But what this event has moved in so many hearts is not in the past, indeed: it is here in the present, alive and bright. Above all, it is the harbinger of new pathways, both in the depths of the personal consciousness and in that of the large group of those who grow up in the light of Agni Yoga.


Mother of the World

The Community of Living Ethics and the Italian Society of Agni Yoga are collaborating for the realization of this important event that takes up the exploration work of the “Consciousness” phenomenon, started with “Scientist for Peace” and deepened in “The Planet Within” – our previous Conferences – widening the field of investigation to cosmic consciousness through the teaching of Agni Yoga, of which one hundred years are celebrated in 2020.

Why this conference?

Over the last seventy years, with extraordinary speed, almost all humanity is acquiring a planetary consciousness that was virtually completely lacking previously. As human beings, we are understood to be the crew of a vessel, the planet Earth, which travels in the space. We understand that we have only two choices: to cooperate in taking care of the ship and let it remain hospitable so that the journey continues well; or to drift, destroying one another.

Planetary consciousness is a huge step forward for humanity. Although there are still many people who profess or pretend to ignore it, this step is one of the basic developments of our present civilization. Nobody can shirk it, including the people who affirm that the planet has the property of self-regulation and regeneration and that humanity is not obliged to be responsible for it.

If we pay attention to what comes out from the teaching of Agni Yoga, we find a further impulse as how to straighten the helm of our vessel: it is necessary that humanity acquires a cosmic consciousness. Thus it is necessary to be aware that the Universe is a Cosmic Oneness and that the Earth is like a cell of a huge organism: if we live playing our role in total harmony, we shall be able to live well with the right love for our home. On the contrary, if we destroy ourselves and our planet, we shall become as a cancer cell in a human being, which sooner or later will cause its own expulsion out of the evolutionary cycle, as happened long ago to the moon.

However, it is not only a matter of survival, trying to preserve as much as possible of our old habits. Cosmic consciousness carries two fundamental consequences for the future of humanity and Earth: the attainment of the spiritual unity, that is the coming of the soul kingdom and Common Good, beyond the narrow, selfish interest; and the participation in the work of cosmic building, as a working cell in a continuous building site.

When humanity will come to understand the Cosmic Oneness, the cosmic construction will be affirmed. (Infinity I, 360)

Why should you attend?

Because each of us can be interested in starting to open up to the cosmic consciousness, necessary to achieve the spiritual unity of humanity, understanding what it means on the basis of the indications of Agni Yoga.
When we acquire the deep awareness of living in a small room (the Earth) of a large, infinite house (the Cosmos), we will find the key that opens the door to the heart of humanity and we will be able “to see the stars again” in a new way.

Group work at the Community of Living Ethics

Who should attend?

All those who are sensitive to the development of individual and group consciousness, in search of deep and demanding answers, eager to act on themselves and the world to contribute to a positive change, also for the preservation of the “common home”: pragmatic visionaries and courageous operators…

How will we work?

By sharing thought, experiences and feeling we will try to understand and experience together , through the teaching of Agni Yoga, what the cosmic consciousness is and how the single consciousness can become a part of it.

there will be:

  • presentations and research from contributors
  • plenary sharing
  • workshops and discussions in smaller groups

Waiting for the conference …

Tower -painting detail N.Roerich

Who will contribute

We have invited representatives of different “cultures” of Agni Yoga, who can bring current aspects of this Teaching, significantly contributing to the theme of the Conference. There will be also some eminent people, “out of the field” of Agni Yoga, who, through their experience of life and work, can make people feel that the stimuli proposed by the Conference are already present in those who have autonomously expanded the field of their own conscience.

Why online?

Our decision to move online reflects what we sense as the Planetary Will to have all our brothers and sisters of the International Agni Yoga community joined together at this time of great potency and evolutionary importance. It seemed clear that if we had continued with the ‘physical’ conference it is highly likely that only people coming from European countries would be able to attend. So, we are also excited that this will now provide the opportunity for a larger group of people to join the Conference from across the world.

This change to an online mode has led to a certain commitment on our part to gain knowledge of the virtual/online technology and support that allows us to offer a quality product and that can best respond to our intent and the deep motivations of a conference on this issue.

Programme summary

  • 13:00 – 15:25 GMT / 15:00 – 17:25 Italy
    • WelcomeWelcome and short introduction to Conference theme/keynote
      Marina Bernardi / Giuseppe Campanella
    • Speaker Agni Yoga in America: as we crossed the threshold into the New Era
      Dot Maver
    • SpeakerThe arrival of Living Ethics in Russia
      Julia Budnikova
  • 15:25 – 15:30 GMT / 17:25 – 17.30 Italy BREAK
  • 15:30 – 16:30 GMT / 17:30 -18:30 Italy
    • Workshop 1Himalayan Dreams
      Alena Adamkova
    • Workshop 1 Sogni Himalayani
      Fiorenza Bortolotti
  • 16:30 – 17:30 GMT / 18:30 – 19:30 Italy BREAK
  • 17:30 – 20.00 GMT / 19:30 – 22:00 Italy
    • Speaker
      Spreading of Agni Yoga in South America
      Estela Tustanovsky
    • Speaker
      Spreading of Agni Yoga in Europe
      Willy Augustat
    • Sharing Breakout
      Sharing Breakouts
      English / Italian / Spanish / Russian
  • 20:00 GMT / 22:00 Italy End of the day programme
  • 13:00 – 15:20 GMT / 15:00 – 17:20 Italy
    • WelcomeWelcome and short introduction of the keynote
      Dot Maver
    • SpeakerFree-will, Independent Action and the Mission of Humanity in the Cosmos
      Isabelle K.Kueng
    • Speaker Urusvati, the Planet of the Mother
      Marzia De Alexandris
    • SpeakerThe Cosmic Magnet: an introduction
      Joleen DuBois
  • 15:20 – 15:30 GMT / 17:20 – 17.30 Italy BREAK
  • 15:30 – 16:30 GMT / 17:30 – 18.30 Italy
    • Workshop 2Lucifer it’s time to turn your light back
      Michael Lindfield
    • Workshop 2Lucifero, giunge il tempo di rinnovare il tuo lume
      Francesca Barbagli
  • 16:30 – 17:30 GMT / 18:30 – 19:30 Italy BREAK
  • 17:30 – 20:00 GMT / 19:30 – 22:00 Italy
    • Relazione
      The supremacy of Spirit in the Cosmos
      H.Muller / L.Khosravi
    • Speaker
      India in the life of the Roerichs. The stage of creating a new spirituality driven to a cosmic science
      Mikail Chirjatiev
    • Speaker
      A bridge from Humanity to the Electric Universe
      Mintze van der Velde
  • 19:15 – 20:00 GMT / 21:15 – 22:00 Italy
    • Sharing
      Sharing Breakouts
      English / Italian / Spanish / Russian
  • 20:00 GMT / 22:00 Italy End of day programme
  • 13:00 – 15:20 GMT / 15:00 – 17:20 Italy
    • Welcomeand short introduction to Conference theme/keynote
      Lorraine Flower
    • SpeakerHeart Communion: Agni Yoga’s approach of direct communion through the heart within the Cosmos
      Wendy Thomson
    • Speaker Cosmic consciousness: the living experience of H. Roerich through her notebooks
      Alena Adamkova
    • SpeakerA Glimpse at the Divine Mansion
      Carlos Rosado
  • 15:20 – 15:30 GMT / 17:20 – 17.30 Italy BREAK
  • 15:30 – 16:30 GMT / 17:30 – 18.30 Italy
    • Workshop 3Etruscan discipline: the principle of correspondence
      Franco Anesi
    • Workshop 3
      Etrusca disciplina: il principio di corrispondenza
      Luciano Vagni
  • 16:30 – 17:30 GMT / 18:30 – 19:30 BREAK
  • 17:30 – 19:30 GMT / 19:30 – 22:00 Italy
    • Speaker
      She who leads: the elevating and expanding function of the feminine principle
      Manju Kak
    • Speakers Dialogue
      Towards a new consciousness
      Marco Guzzi / Mario Ventola
  • 19:05 – 19:45 GMT / 21:05 – 21:45 Italy
    • Sharing
      Plenary Sharing
      English / Italian / Spanish / Russian
  • 20:00 GMT / 22:00 Italy End of day programme
  • 13:00 – 15:20 GMT / 15:00 – 17:20 Italy
    • WelcomeWelcome and short introduction to
      Conference theme/keynote

      Franco Anesi
    • SpeakerCosmic consciousness: a cornerstone towards the spiritual unity of Humanity
      Giuseppe Campanella
    • Video How to attain a cosmic consciousness?
      Group of Study of Ital. AY Society
    • PanelPanel: AY for the next generations
      Host Mariuccia Sofia, with Egor Turley, Marco Vukovich, Martin Dieser, Roberta Baccara, Reiko Nakanishi
  • 15:45 – 17:00 GMT / 17:45 – 19:00 Italy BREAK
  • 17:00 – 18:05 GMT / 19:00 – 20:05 Italy
    • PanelPanel: harvesting and looking forward to next 100 years
      Host Lorraine Flower, with Dot Maver, Marina Bernardi, Alena Adamkova, Estela Tustanowsky, Wendy Thompson
  • 18:05 – 19:10 GMT / 20:05 – 21:10 Italy
    • Sharing
      Plenary Sharing
      English / Italian / Spanish / Russian
  • 19:10 – 19:20 GMT / 21:10 – 21:20 Italy
    • Final Comments
      Close incl. details of 2021 International CLE conference
  • 19:20 – 19:50 GMT / 21:20 – 21:50 Italy
    • Meditation
      Closing Meditation in 4 languages
      Alena Adamkova / Dot Maver / Estela Tustanovsky / Marina Bernardi
      English / Italian / Spanish / Russian
  • 19:50 – 20:00 GMT / 21:50 – 22:00 Italy Closing Ritual

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Accessing the Conference Materials
If you were unable to participate live but would like to access the Conference contents, you may do so by participating to the Conference Gift Economy with a donation of any amount. You will receive details on how to access the Conference material as soon as possible.

Gift Economy
We would like to experience a new way of economic participation: the Gift Economy, which is increasingly being talked about, and which now – especially in a conference on a theme so oriented to the future – we could really bring to reality.

It is a question for each of us to appeal to our Heart for it to guide us to establish what we want to give to support this Conference; certain that the event itself will return to us based on what, as a consciousness, we have given,  and certainly much more.

Therefore, we call our hearts to the appeal and start the dialogue from which it will emerge how much we want to give!



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