“Lives are changed primarily by reflection, qualities are developed by directed conscious thought, characteristics are unfolded by brooding consideration. To all this I call your attention.”
The rigours of everyday living are leading each of us to a more skilful self-management within our mental, emotional, and physical planes of consciousness. However, pain of emptiness and lack, divine longing, still haunts many individuals. At this point of inner turmoil, a silent inner question is sounded that invokes the call of the soul. It is then that the individual embarks upon a spiritual quest.
Creative meditation is an available quest choice. Roberto Assagioli tells us ‘meditation is a journey into inner space’. He also invites us to consider its two distinct phases: general and specific meditation. General meditation includes its various aspects reflective, receptive, creative, and also invocative meditation. General meditation can be considered to be inner action. Specific meditation is reflective meditation, it is mental meditation. And specific meditation in contrast is outer action. This outer action is often more difficult due to the distortions and distractions that beset the personality.
The first and important stage of inner action is alignment or the science of approach where we are endeavouring to align the higher abstract mind with the soul. The disidentification technique enables the personality to cooperate with the science of approach throughout meditation, recollecting attention is given to maintaining this aspirational contact. This phase is followed by dedication.
Reflective meditation follows on whereby a quietening of the’ lower monkey mind’ is achieved through focused concentration of a subject known as a seed idea. After a few moments of reflective thinking the subject is exhausted. Persistent pondering through this blank period reveals unrealised aspects of the subject.
Creative Meditation then uses the art of visualisation and creative imagination to mobilise the forming-idea. Until now the approach has been brain-mind-soul. It is at this stage that there is an inward claim to create a downward inflow of wisdom from soul-mind-brain. Thus, by visualising and imagining an inpouring of descending energy from the soul, infusing the mind and stimulating a responsive brain awareness precipitates an outer action and the manifestation of the idea begins.
Following this creative meditation process there is a phase of radiation and distribution whereby the thoughts created are sent into the collective consciousness to be shared with others in the service of humanity.
Gradually the regular routine of daily meditation brings to life the livingness of the dance between the soul and its personality resulting in an evolving individual and group consciousness which serves society and humanity worldwide.
by Janet Derwent