Psicospiritual training

Psicospiritual training
The course on Group Focalization encapsulates the essential tools for becoming a Group Focalizer.

Creative Meditation practice – German language Alles ist Beziehung – die Evolution der Liebe | 31 August 2025 – 6 September 2025

Alles ist Beziehung - die Evolution der Liebe Vom Moment unserer Entstehung befinden wir uns in Beziehung. Sie ist Grundlage unserer Existenz, wie die Zellen unseres Körpers – jede individuell verschieden und doch [...]

The Era of the Mother of the World restores the bird of the spirit of Humanity to flight

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Invita un amico Fai conoscere ai tuoi amici la nostra organizzazione inviagli da qui una mail con i link alle info e al nuovo Programma Attività 2017-18 NB. [...]

Psicospiritual training

Psicospiritual training The course on Group Focalization encapsulates the essential tools for becoming a Group Focalizer.


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