The Community of Living Ethics is a non-religious cultural association.

All activities are inspired by the study and application of the principles of Living Ethics.

The Community was founded in 1981 by Sergio Bartoli and a group of co-workers as a Centre for Creative Meditation. Over the years it has developed and grown through the creative and practical skills contributed by an ever increasing number of members and friends. Thanks to this intense and rich group experience, the Community is now fulfilling its task of becoming a cell for new life. Its vitality is expressed in various fields, each one representing one aspect of human life: such as economics, education, culture and art, healing, relations with the kingdoms of nature.
Programs in psycho-spiritual education have fostered the emergence of an integrated and harmonious group willing to experiment in daily life with the new models that are a product of meditation and inspiration.
The Community operates as a living organism, working through several Centers – each one with a specific function and purpose.

Comunità dei Etica Vivente

Study, Meditation, and Service are the three pillars on which all Community work is based.

The systematic work of psycho-spiritual training, proposed through Schools and research paths on issues related to the consciousness development, has fostered the growth of an integrated and harmonious group aiming to experiment in the everyday life the models perceived by meditation and inspiration.

Community centers and villages

The various Community Centers are located in the lush green country side around Città della Pieve, a small medieval hill town on the border of Tuscany and Umbria. Those wishing to visit the many art places in the surrounding area are strongly advised to come by car.

Gen Europe - Global Ecovillage Network

We participate to the GEN Europe Ecovillage Network, as an Intentional Spiritual Community

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